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Noen's POV

"Noen, go get some wine from the cellar, please...and bring Chase with you." My mom calls from the kitchen as I sit in the living room wrapped in my blanket. I groan before getting up and walk to the kitchen with Chase railing behind me.

"Mother, I can go by myself, I don't need any company." I give her a pleasing stare but she just absolutely ignores it. I can see the irritation in her eyes. Usually I don't test her around company because she would go off but I don't want to be down there with Chase so, I try my faith.

"Stop being rude and go get the damn wine Noen." She glares and points to the basement door on the other side of the kitchen.

The basement is just a really empty room that use to be my dad's office. When he left I wanted to turn it into my room but me and Addy had already had our little tree path. I've wanted to turn it into a little theater/hangout but never had the extra money so, that might be what I do first if I get this contract.

The cellar is a little glass door, refrigerated, room at the end of the open space. It's nearly full because my mom has become quite the collector. Every time she sells a house the order two bottles of either wine or champagne (what ever the costumer prefers.) and if they don't get into the second bottle she brings it home. Just imagine how many bottles there is if my mom has sold thousands of houses plus, the ones she received on her wedding day.

Walking into the the dark, cool, room is almost creepy until you turn the light on and see all of Bleu's child hood are on the walls, we never got around to covering them.

Mom didn't tell me the exact wine she wanted so I decided to be petty and grab the one her and my dad shared in their wedding day. She put me in the uncomfortable position of being down here with Chase, this is my pay back. The wine is actually really good but it's the fancy costume label that my mom hate the site of.

Im searching for the bottle and almost forget Chase is there until he speaks.

"So a hickey, huh." He said in a soft calm voice. I just let out a breath full sigh and resume to looking for the bottle. "Maybe,  Jo was right. Maybe, you are tired of me fucking up and used the excuse of needing a break just to get rid of me."

I freeze in my position, " If I want to get rid of you  would have plain and simple told you to fuck off." I say a while after grabbing the bottle I was looking for. Stand up and realized the rest of his sentence. "Wait, did you talk to your sister about me?" I ask facing him.

"Not directly," I can see the anger and hurt in his eyes but I'm not going to break for him. " I gave her a hypothetical, that's not what this is about any ways. It's the fact that you can parade around letting boys mark you but I have to be on my best behavior."

I let out a small scoff " Hold this." I say pushing the bottle into his chest and walking off. I don't know if he didn't grab it or what but, all I heard was glass hit the  floor and the feeling of wetness on my legs. "There goes my revenge." I mumble.

"Shit." I hear Chase curse. I turn and see him trying to... I dont know put it back together? "I'm so sorry." He says from the ground.

"It's fine, my mom will probably hug you." He looks at me confused and I let out a small laugh at his confusion. " Get up, there's nothing you can do."

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