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TW: miscarriage.

Chase's POV

I must have fallen asleep after lunch with Noen, because I woke up a couple of hours later to Anthony tapping me.  "Yo, you still coming with us. Addy found this karaoke bar a couple of blocks away." I agreed and got out of bed. I freshened up and me the rest of them in the sitting area.

I spot Noen as soon as I enter the the room. He's sitting on the couch talking with Addy. "You guys ready to go?" Bryce asked and we all replied 'yea' in unison.

Addy had already ordered the Uber so by the time we made it outside it was waiting for us. The driver was a really nice lady in her early 40's maybe. She complimented all of our outfits as we got into the car. Noen sat in the front and gave her the address this time.
It took about 5 minutes to get to the bar because there wasn't much traffic.
We got out the car and headed straight into the building. They asked for IDs at the door but Noen just told them we were all underage and the man marked x's on each of our hands.

We were seated close to stage in the dark building. It was quite a few people in there but , it wasn't too crowded.

Bryce collected us some virgin drinks from the bar and put an order in for us some food.

"This places is so cool," Addy started. "I think if you guys wanna sing, you need to go sign up right there." She pointed towards a book on a podium.

Bryce, Anthony, and I immediately got up while Noen stayed seated with her. I have no idea why they are going signup to sing they are the most tone deaf people I know. I put down to sing Into You by Arianna Grande and went back to the table. This is going to be a fun night.

And it was. By the time we were kicked out the bar, we were way passed drunk. Yes, the man did mark X's on our hand but Addy had the brightest idea of one of us going in the bathroom and washing it off. A couple hours later we got caught and they kicked us out.  We were so tired, when we made it tot he hotel we all passed out.


The next morning, we all had hangovers so, Noen was so happy when he got  the call that his J-14 with had canceled because the interviewer got sick.

After we all showered and got in some comfy clothes, when found somewhere close to have breakfast. "So what happens now since they canceled your shoot?" I asked Noen as we ate.

"Well Jordan is flying in tonight, tomorrow we go back to Bethany and see if they are going sign me. If so, we have a signing and dinner later that day. And Tuesday morning we leave instead of night." He answered.

"So, we have an whole day free? What are we gonna do?" Addy asked excitedly.

"We can still go do our cite seeing. Maybe, Madison square garden, Times Square, Central Park, Metropolitan museum. Take some pictures, eat some food. Just a regular tourist day." Anthony suggested.

"I'm fine with that." Noen agreed and so did everyone else.

"Yea, but I have to leave at 9. I have diner with my dad." I spoke up. Everyone looked at me crazy and wide eyed. " He called and asked to talk. I agreed to 1 hour and that's it. He probably won't even show because he's a damn coward and don't wanna talk about what I know." I said in a aggravation.

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