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Chase's POV

Everyone was calm until we got to CK and we started geeking out thinking we would run into so on famous. Good thing, so far we didn't because Bryce would have made a fool of him self.

As we enter the building, I noticed that there was barely anyone there and it was a high chance we were they only group here. Besides us in the lobby, their was this blue eyed brunette that sat behind the desk on the other side of the large room. As Noen walked up to her, the expression on her faced change from; bored and tired, To Mrs. Employee of the month.

She had a shiny smile and was so bubbly it made my head hurt. It's too early for this shit.

I watched the back of Noen's head as he spoke to her. He looked really good today. His hair look nicer then usually. I liked it.

I was bought back to earth by Bryce wrapping his hand around my shoulders and pulling me along with the rest of the group.

"You're staring, stop." Was all he said.

I adjusted my focus to the stuff surrounding us as we walked to an elevator. The hall was filled with celebrity visitors and magazine covers. It was like walking threw a dream.

We finally reached the elevator and it brought us to the 6th floor. We stepped right into a studio setup filled with; bright lights, white walls and tons of cameras.

Once I actually listened I could hear the squeals escaping Noen.

"This is amazing, I never seen such a professional set up. Oh my gosh." Addy blurted, Noen was speechless. The brunette who name I learned is Lydia; lead us behind the set up to a private dressing room.

"Ok Noen, this will de your dressing room for the day. You will spend a lot of time in here so make yourselves comfortable, if you guys get hungry,crafts table is through the opposite door. They will let your friends on set for half the session then all have to comeback to this room except..." she searched the paper for a name. "Chase Hudson" she finally said and my eyes widened.

"Jordan put you down as a bodyguard because it was only supposed to be us, so you're with me 24/7." Noen explained. I just nodded in understanding.

Once Lydia left, Addy and I got comfortable on one of the couches while the other two went to get food.

"So, are you excited?" I asked Noen, we haven't talked much since the plane.

"Uh..... yea" he hesitated a bit. "did you see that set up, this is going to be so fun."

" I can't wait to see you truly in your element." Addy, added.

The boys finally came back with a shit ton of food. As we were putting food on our little plates, two ladies walked into the door. One was pushing a rack of clothes and the other was rolling this square suit case thing.

"Hi, I'm V and this is Sky. I'll be doing your make up and hair, she will be styling you." She told Noen.

" There's items from both the men and women's line. You can choose what ever but, it has to make three complete outfits." Sky told him. Once they ran through everything else with him, they left but 5 minutes later V came back and started his makeup.

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