Class Fight

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(I apologize in advanced if there are spelling and/or grammar errors, I didn't really feel like re-editing lol)

I'm not really in the mood today so let's umm make this a little long because I feel bad my last few chapters have been short


"So you just going to keep ignoring me?" Daishou hummed to himself as he fixed the lock on his locker.

When he glanced up he saw a certain Alpha glaring down at him making him piss his pants on the inside but he just cleared his throat.

"Can you move please?" "Look who finally talks to me, look I'm already pissed off so why don't you tell me why the hell you've been ignoring me recently?"

Daishou looked away, he already knew by how much of a weakling he was that if he looked at Kuroo he would cave. "I said move-" "Awe look at the lovebirds~"

The two looked off to the side seeing three Omega's walking around the hall seeing them.

Daishou had finally lost all the drapes being annoyed by how they never left his side but now he was glad they were here to get him away from Kuroo. "Stay out of this-" "Why? I think it's cute." Tendou smirked.

Kuroo looked up locking eyes with Atsumu who just rose his brow amused, his amused look faded when he saw how angry the Alpha now looked turning away from him.

"Sadly, It's still a bit upsetting to see you move on from Kawa that quickly especially since he hasn't been around so should you REALLY be around Daishou right now?" Hinata asked.

"Tsk.. whatever." Daishou almost jumped for joy about to run to the three to thank them for getting him to back off without even needing to do anything.

Kuroo quickly grabbed his wrist making Daishou flinch, the greenette turned meeting the teens sly eyes staring holes into him. "After school, I need to speak to you. You aren't backing down, meet me by my ride." With that, the bed head let go walking away down the hall but not without glaring at Atsumu once more.

The blond just gave him a look of confusion before shrugging it off turning to Daishou.

"Did you two sneak off for a make out session?~" "Huh?!.. No!" "He's so shy, how cute!"


"He wants to talk to you?! How scary!" Noya exclaimed slamming his fists on the table before quickly rubbing them from how hard it was.

Daishou frowned. "I know, how am I supposed to ignore him when he's going to literally be waiting for me outside of school." "Easy, you walk-" Kenma smacked the back of Noya's head earning a whine.

"It's not as easy as it sounds.. I've tried to avoid many people." The Omega muttered turning back to his work.

"Well - hold it teacher coming.." The three instantly started to write down on their work seeing their teacher walking past them eyeing the Omega's before continuing to walk to check on the other group.

Daishou looked back making sure she wasn't near then looking back to the two. "Seriously I need help, I can't talk to him. What if Oikawa suddenly appears and decides to beat me up right then and there!" He whisper shouted,

Noya sighed. "You have a bunch of Omega Drapes following your every move dont you? Have them protect you from the evil claws of Oikawa Tooru." He exaggerated making a hissing sound.

Kenma sighed. "Once they see Oikawa is back, they will no longer support Daishou and will go back to listening to him. It's simple." "I suppose you're right.. but still, don't worry we'll think of something!!"

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮Where stories live. Discover now