Blood Bath

26 0 3

(I apologize in advanced if there are spelling and/or grammar errors, I didn't really feel like re-editing lol)

Sorry I don't post that much, I do random announcements tho on my message board so-


Daishou sighed as he sat back bored, he had been waiting for Bokuto and Oikawa for an hour yet they didn't show no sign of coming.

Rolling his eyes he decided to take the plate to his and Oikawa's room so the Omega could eat when he returns when he felt a presence behind him. "Hey." He jumped turning back, Kenma and Sugawara standing there crossing their arms.

"O-Oh hey guys!-" "Where have you been? I haven't seen you ditched us the other day." Kenma shook his head looking at Suga. "I hear he's been hanging around Oikawa Tooru."

Suga's eyes widened. "Didn't we say not to when you're literally messing around with Kuroo Tetsurō?!" Daishou nervously laughed. "I don't think it matters anymore since I talked with Oikawa-.."

"No! Oikawa Tooru is a backstabber, a manipulator!! If you want to spend your time being fooled by him then be my guest and look like an idiot because I'm done giving you advice if you're not gonna listen to me."

Daishou frowned. "That's not fair! You don't know the full story, it's just difficult to explain-" "Then figure it out on your own time." With that, Suga started walking away.

"Guys-.." Even as he called out, the two paid no mind. Kenma followed Sugawara closely behind whispering to him that they should go see Akaashi.

Biting his lip Daishou glanced from the plate in his hands to back up at them, with a sigh he turned on his heels walking away to his hotel room deciding feeding a pregnant moody Omega would be far better than dealing with drama.

When he got there he came inside sliding his shoes off humming a little.

He noticed shoes by the front door making him look up. Oikawa wasn't here but the lights in the bathroom were on.

"Oikawa? I brought your plate how did it go with Bokuto-San?"

Absolute silence, not hearing anything Daishou quirked a brow walking over placing the plate on a dresser near the TV. "Kawa? Are you okay-?" "Go away Daishou, I'll see you tomorrow.."

Okay, he sounds really calm, something is off.

"... did you guys have an argument? Do you want me to get him to come and apologise?" When he didn't hear anything once more, he knocked again. "Oikawa?" "KAWA!!"

Jumping back he turned to the door where someone was frantically knocking.

"God damnit is he even here right now?" Tendou grumbled pounding his fist against the door. Hinata snickered a little. "Maybe he's getting railed by that square everyone keeps seeing him with."

Tendou glared at Hinata, Atsumu standing off to the side checking his nails. "Shut up, Hinata." "Sorry, Tendou.."

He turned back to the door knocking like a madman. "KAWAAAA COME ON!!!!" The door finally opened but it wasn't Oikawa, just Daishou.

Tendou gave him a look before rolling his eyes. "Oh.. it's you. Whatever wheres oikawa?" "Hes in the the bathroom but-" "KAWA." Tendou spat pushing his way in.

Daishou was shoved to the side allowing the others to follow the red head in going to the bathroom.

"Kawa hurry up, we got that appointment set up for your mom it's this weekend when we get back." He waited for a bit, nothing but silence followed as Daishou made his way over. Annoyed, Tendou knocked on the bathroom door. "Kawa-?"

"I SAID GO AWAY." Freezing, Tendou stared at the door in shock. He finally stepped back giving a look to the other two who were in equal shock.

They took the signal following Tendou to the front door with Daishou following behind, suddenly they heard a loud bang inside the bathroom with metal falling to the floor. This cause everyone to snap their heads in that direction.

Without hesitation Tendou ran up to the door kicking it open, what everyone saw after they came up behind him horrified them.

Oikawa was sitting in the middle of the bathroom with blood all over his legs and the floor, the rack towels were on had fallen due to Oikawa desperately trying to clean up the blood.

He turned back to them, tears in his eyes. "I SAID GET OUT!!" He yelled clutching on one of towels putting it between his legs.

Tendou's breath hitched but nonetheless rushed over picking up the towel rack moving it away before crouching down to Oikawa. The brunette refused to look at him sniffling staring at his knees as Tendou took the towel away getting a new one.

"W-Why.. why is there so much blood?.." He softly whispered, trying not to react to his best friends words, Tendou looked up at the three standing at the doorway.

"Hinata, call a doctor, Atsumu help me clean him up, and you —" Daishou looked at him ignoring Hinata rushing behind him to the phone.

"M-.. Me?" "Call Kuroo."


Words - ... lemme just not put this in- 😅

This is pretty short tho my bad but enjoy-

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