Falling In Love Is Not An Easy Thing To Do

21 1 28

(I apologize in advanced if there are spelling and/or grammar errors, I didn't really feel like re-editing lol)

Sorry about the last chapter but HEY at least it's not Miya twins angst like last time...?


Kuroo leaned against the counter as he watched his friends talk up a few Omega's strolling by. It was their second day here, he was able to ignore Bokuto's gaze and questions by just walking in and pretending he knew nothing of their shared interests.

"Hey, wanna come see what else that pretty mouth of yours can do besides talk?!" The omega scrunched up their nose in disgust continuing to walk while whispering to their friend.

"Argh, whatever fucking bitch.." he muttered before turning to Kuroo, said bedhead was just focusing on his drink trying to fish out a strawberry from the very bottom with his straw.

"Heyo, Kuroo, is something up with you? Usually you'll be up here too. Or did that pretty square Omega of yours catch your heart already?~"

Kuroo rolled his eyes flicking him off turning his back to them while drinking his beverage.

"Hey, you guys wanna hear something weird?" "What?" Apparently, little Tobio-Chan likes Alpha dick." Laugher and 'ews' came out after that making Kuroo freeze.

He narrowed his eyes down at the counter before closing them deciding it wasn't his business, if that idiot didn't want to be careful and end up being murdered for like Alphas, then he could be his guest because that's on him.

"Yeah, and you know the Miya twins down by the mart?" "Shit man, Atsumu's pretty hot though." "For real." The guy nodded with a grin. "Yeah, but what about Osamu?"

They began laughing even more. "Man, Miya probably gets twice the amount of Omega's then us!" "For real, Omega's be into hard working guys or some shit." The guys grin turned mischievous. "What if I said he was into Alpha dick too?"

Instead of laughing, they stayed quiet in more of shock. It was kind of expected from Tobio considering he was never interested in Omega's and it was obvious but Osamu Miya?

The guy was an Omega magnet.

"I heard from Kenta - Suna Rins dad - while getting my daily dope that he saw Miya having a little breakup with Tobio." "... no shit, I knew those fucking Amega's just had to taint everybody." "What did you think Tobio do to Miya to make him like that."

Kuroo shook his head at this pointless conversation, he thought he told Tobio to quit with this 'sleeping with Alphas' bullshit because then he's going to get caught.

However, he almost spit out his drink just as he finally got the strawberry hearing what they said next. "I don't know what he did to Tobio but why don't we give him a little punishment?~" He heard murmurs of agreement making him turn back.

They could feel Kuroo's threatening scent making them instantly turn. "What was that?" They grinned, one stepping forwards. "Come on Kuroo, don't tell me you ACTUALLY LET your brother being fucked by Alpha dick!"

The others laughed. "Yeah, if I didn't know better I'd bet you probably like it too." The Alpha threw his arm around Kuroo's shoulder, the bedhead just giving him a look. "Unless, the ol' so great Kuroo has actually gone soft for his disgusting baby bro?..~"

Kuroo's jaw clenched, he just closed his fists but didn't do anything turning back to his drink.

"Do what you want, it's not my problem."


Tobio sneezed making Iwaizumi look over. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I think something randomly tickled my nose." He sniffled rubbing his nose before shrugging it off going back to eating his meal with his chopstick.

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