Chapter 1 - 18 years ago

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No one's POV:

It was a cold, silent night, which was suddenly interrupted by an unknown explosion. Citizens began to look towards the direction of the explosion, all the while a mysterious cloaked woman was leading a child towards the city's port. Suddenly, cloaked men were seen chasing the pair. The citizens recognized one of the men as a member of Clover kingdom's secret police, a division of magic knights controlled directly by the king, and supervised by the kingdom's chairman of the magic parliament. 

"What do they want?" wondered the confused citizens. 

The squad rushed towards the port, as they knew, their time was running out. Meanwhile the pair made it to the port. She looked calm on the outside, however she was extremely on edge. The kid was seconds from bursting into tears. The woman turned to face the boy and patted him lightly on his head. The boy shook his worries off and smiled at the woman. The woman smiled back then looked around nervously. 

"Damn that drunken wretch, he should already be here," the woman exclaimed.

"What does wretch mean mom" the boy asked.

The woman panicked: "Sweetie, I don't want to hear this word from you again, you are way too young for speaking like this!"

"But it was you, who said it" responded the confused boy.

"Mommy just sliped up, ok sweetie?" replied the blushing woman.

"You should see her on a battlefield, she uses such a wonderful vocabulary" was suddenly heard from the pier. 

The pair turned towards the direction of the voice.  Suddenly a middle-aged sailor walked towards them smiling. The woman crossed her arms. The boy looked even more confused.

"You're late you lazy drunk" said the woman as she stared daggers at the man.

The man flinched, but regained his composure and responded: "Sorry for that, I had to have a word with the crew about our new member."

The boy then asked: "Mom, are you joining their crew?"

The sailor then sighed: "You haven't told him?"

The woman then stared with a killing intent towards the sailor. But stopped, when the boy pulled her cloak.

"What does he mean you haven't told him, what's happening?" the boy asked almost crying.

/Hanz Zimmer - Marry me/

"What's going on mom?" he cried.

The woman smiled and then spoke to the boy in a comforting tone: "I know I promised you, that I would protect you forever, and even though the wizard king is trying his best, we can't protect you from the king, I can't."

"B-but, you are a royal, can't you..." asked the boy as he was cut off by his mother "I know, but the king outweighs my status."

"B-b-but y-you are a captain, couldn't your squad hide me?" the boy countinued crying.

"We are tied by the laws of our country, and even if we wanted to, you wouln't be living, you would be surviving, which I do not want for you." the woman replied tearing up. 

"I don't want to leave you mom, I love you, I can't live without you." the boy cried into his mother's clothes.

"I love you so much, and that is why I must ensure, that you live free and without regrets." the woman cried patting his head. 

"But what about you, will you be ok, I don't want you getting hurt because of me." the boy cried as the footsteps of the hunters drew near. 

"I'll be fine, as long as you'll be fine sweetie" the woman cried.

"B-but I'll miss you so much, what if I can't ever return, what if I won't be able to see you in the future."

"Don't worry, I will allways be here." she said as she pointed at his chest.

"I love you" the boy screamed as he hugged his mom.

"I love you" she cried as she embraced the boy.

"Now go" she screamed as she took a defensive stance.

"M-mom, mom, MOM!" the boy screamed as the old man picked him up and ran towards his ship.

"Anchor up, raise the sails you rats, or I'll  use you as cannonballs, we are leaving!" the man screamed.

"Aye captain" the sailors shouted.

Meanwhile on the pier the woman threw away her cloak as she summoned her grimoire.

She looked back at the ship that started slowly leaving the port. "I love you" she whispered as she turned to face her opponents. All of them lined up. 

"Where's the boy" one of them asked.

"I am your opponent" the woman responded.

"We are here for the boy, you are of no interest to us" another mage responded.

"Where is he" another mage quetioned.

"He is forever out of your reach, and once he returns, he will be strong enough to prove, to all of you, his innocence." she snaped back at the mages.

"Screw this" shouted the mages angrily and attacked the woman.

"The mages shouted, drawing their grimoires"

Fire magic - fire bullet

Ice magic - ice lance

Plant magic - stun spores

Rock magic - sword of andersite

The woman calmly spoke. The mages stared in shock as the last thing they heard was: "Steel magic-..." The woman then turned to face the ocean. Tier ran down her cheek as she started speaking: "I know you are there Julius"

"You never seize to amaze me" Julius responded calmly. 

"Am I being put on trial" the woman asked.

"No, they are sending you on a highly dangerous mission, to atone for your mistake" Julius replied.

/Hanz Zimmer, Klaus Badelt - Fog Bound/

"It wasn't a mistake Julius, he didn't know what he was doing, executing a child is wrong" she snaped at the Grey deer captain.

"I know, that's why I tried to stall the trial as long as I could" Julius replied

"Thank you, so what's the mission Julius?" she asked.

"We have a report of a spade kingdom insurgent operating in a border town, we have heavy casualities.." Julius spoke, but was interrupted by the woman.

"Do we know his name" the woman asked while staring into the water.

"Her, her name is Vanica, you should be careful Acier" Julius said.

???: "Noelle, wake up"

???: "NOELLE!"

So this is it for the first chapter. I decided on using /------/ for what I imagine the background music being in that scene. Feel free to play it while reading, it gives the story a unique feeling. Anyway since I have all the time this week, there will be more chapters than i have planned. In the future I'll do like two chapters or a chapter a week. This week I 'll be writing until I am properly  burnt out. Anyway, see ya soon!

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