Chapter 13 - The Battle

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With a line of disposed oars behind them Asta, Noelle and Nebra made their way to the Interceptor. The whole way there Nebra remained silent, only sometimes glancing at Noelle. When they climbed onboard, Nebra was in for a shock. Instead of a royal ship crewed by magic knights, she stood on top of an another pirate ship. 

"No more pirates for god's sake" she mumbled.

"Welcome aboard, miss Silva" Gibbs said with a smile.

"Do I know you?" Nebra shot back. Before Gibbs responded, he noticed that the captain was missing.

"Hey you two, where be Jack?" he asked. Nebra glared at Noelle.

"Jack? Jack Sparrow?" she asked in disbelief. Noelle panicked and shot a quick look at Asta.

"He fell behind" the boy said nonchalantly. He then took Noelle's hand, which made her blush madly and took both of them into the captain's cabin. Gibbs and the sailors exchanged looks. After a few seconds Gibbs shouted.

"Keep tae th' Code"

Anamaria then took incentive.

"Weigh anchor! Hoist the sails! Split-quick, you dibbies!"

Gibbs looked worried. He looked towards the island, almost like he knew what was about to go down inside. Meanwhile the group surrounding Jack made way for their captain. Barbossa looked at Jack almost like he had seen a ghost. Jack just smiled.

"How the blazes did you get off that island?" Barbossa asked. The crew turned their attention towards Jack, expecting an unbeliavable tale. 

"When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow" the madman answered with a grin.

"Aye, well, I won't be making that mistake second time around, now will I?" Barbossa arrogantly spoke. "Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow?" he asked as the crew mockingly laughed "Kill him!" he finished.

"The girl's blood didn't work now, did it?" Jack asked, knowing he would peak Barbossa's interest.

"Hold your fire!" he shouted. You could almost feel Pintel's dissapointment from his sad grin. "You know whose blood we need" Barbossa asked.

'Back in the game baby' Jack thought to himself.

"I know whose blood you need and where to find them" Jack replied with a smile.

As the Interceptor sailed back towards the Clover kingdom Asta was bandaging Nebra's slit hand.

"What sort of a man trades a man's life for a ship?" Nebra asked.

"A pirate" Asta answered with a smile. Nebra blushed a bit.

"You may not be as useless as I thought when I first met you" Nebra commented.

"Thank you, you're pretty amazing too" Asta innocently commented. Nebra blushed alot, which didn't go unnoticed by Noelle, who was almost fuming nearby. 

"Would you stop that you two!" She yelled as she slapped Asta so hard, she sent him flying a good few meters away.

"Ow" Asta shouted.

"Anyway, you said you gave Barbossa my name as yours. Why?" Noelle asked.

"I don't know" Nebra lied naturally as she breathed.

"Really now, then why did you take my medallion back at the mansion, this doesn't add up sis" Noelle pressed.

"Noelle please, you know I can't tell you that." Nebra tried avoiding the subject.

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