No one's POV:
The mysterious man swam fast towards the sinking girl. He reached her as she hit the seafloor. "Lucky us no manasharks showed up" he thought to himself. He grabbed her and started swimming towards the surface. When he emerged he only had a short moment to breathe, when he was forced to submerge by the sheer weight of the girl. He acted quickly, undressing her of her heavy soaked clothes. This made her significantly lighter and he was able to emerge once again.
Meanwhile Nozel, Nebra and Solid acompanied by a platoon of magic knights rushed towards the dock.
When our hero emerged, he was exhausted. The two magic knights rushed to help him with the unconscious girl.
"She's not breathing" Mullroy shouted.
"MOVE" commanded the mysterious man as he pulled out a knife and slit open the corset. Then he threw the corset to Murtogg.
Mullroy smiled and glanced at the mysterious savior: "I never would have thought of that"
The man glanced back at Mullroy and said: "Clearly, you've never been to Isla de Leónes" Suddenly he noticed Noelle's necklace. As he picked it up his smile froze. He stared at the confused girl and asked: "Where did you get that" But before he could continue, he was iterrupted by Nozel, who pointed his mercury spear at him.
"Get away from her" he spoke. The man raised his hands up. Nozel took a look at the practically naked Noelle, who was more red, than any volcano Mereleona trains at. He then stared daggers at Murtogg, who was holding Noelle's corset. Murtogg quickly washed his hands of this mess by pointing at the real reason for Noelle's nakedness, the mysterious stranger.
"Nebra, bring her some clothes" Nozel shouted with visible anger in his face "I'm going to kill him" he continued.
"Nozel, everyone" Noelle suddenly shouted, atracting the attention of everyone "You're really going to kill my saviour" she continued.
Everyone lowered their grimoires and the man gestured thank you. Nozel however was still suspicious. After taking a closer look at the man, he held out his hand.
"I believe that thanks are in order" he said as he waited for the man to take his hand. The man hesitated, but after a while, reluctantly gave Nozel his hand. Nozel smirked. He held the man's hand tight and rolled up his sleeve revealing a mark.
"Had a brush with the Kira family did we pirate" said Nozel with a disgusted look. The man grinned.
"Everybody keep your eyes on him, bring the prototype cuffs Sally wanted to test out" Nozel continued while he rolled up the man's sleeves even further, revealing a tatoo of a sparrow.
"Jack Sparrow isn't it"Nozel said letting go of Jack's hand.
"Captain, captain Jack Sparrow" the man responded.
"Well I don't see your ship, captain" Nozel responded smiling.
"I'm in a market for one" Jack said grinning.
"He said he came to commandeer one" said Murtogg.
"And I told you he wasn't lying" Mullroy said "these are his sir" he continued. Nozel began examining Jack's belongings.
"Seems like some kind of a weapon, but I don't see any additional ammo" Nozel said examining Jack's pistol. "A compass, that doesn't point north" he continued grinning and pulling out Jack's cutlass. Nozel grinned even more."And I half expected it to be made out of wood" he said as he holstered the blade back into the scabbard.
"You are undoubtedly the worst pirate I've ever heard of" Nozel said.
"But you have heard of me" Jack smiled at Nozel. Nozel was done, he grabbed Jack and took him to Solid, who just came back with the magic-supressing handcuffs. Noelle couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Pirates of The Clover seas - The Curse of the Black Pearl
FanfictionSo this will be my first ever fan fic, that I decided on writing down. Since I am just as big of a Black Clover fan as a PoTC fan, I decided to somewhat merge the stories. As it stands i am not a native english speaker, but I'll try to make the leas...