Chapter 12 - The blood ritual

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  As the fog obsuring the sunlight dispersed, Nebra was awakened by rays of sunlight tickling her eyelids. To say she slept well would be a shameful lie. She would wake up every now and then out of fear for her life. She walked to the window and peaked outside. It seemed like they have arrived. The clock signalling her impending doom was ticking meanacingly.

"This is it" she thought to herself. Suddenly the cabin door opened and her escort arrived.

"Time to go, poppet" Pintel said. A moment later, she stood on the quarterdeck with her hands tied. Everyone was silent except for Ragetti, who was making ritualistic noises.

"That's one way to set the mood" Nebra thought to herself with a saddened expression. Shortly after Barbossa hung the medallion around Nebra's neck, the crew went into the rowboats. As the crew rowed into the cave of the dead, another ship was about to arrive.


Loud sounds of Interceptor's  planks stressing could be heard from far away. With her slightly torn sails, the ship made her way towards the safe shore. 

"Dead men tell no tales" could be heard from the parrot sitting atop the jibboom. Sailors stared in horror as the fog around them dispersed. A ship graveyard is a terrifying sight to witness.

"Chills th'bones, how many honest sailors bin claimed by this passage" Gibbs commented to Asta. Suddenly the Interceptor drove over a sunken's ship mast and snapped it off with a loud crack. Jack was at the wheel, checking his compass. He adjusted the course slightly and turned back to face the sailor behind him. 

"Learning from the best, are we matey" Jack boasted. The man remained silent. Jack wondered for a bit.

"Ah, so you're the one with the *snip, snip*" he said while gesturing. The pirate just stared at him.

"Ah don't be so sour Mr. Cotton" Jack said nonchalantly. "I'll just ask your parrot then. MR. COTTON'S PARROT" Jack shouted. The parrot flew back onto Cotton' s shoulder. Before Jack could ask any questions, Noelle barged out of the cabin, with a slight hint of green in her face.

"Could you shut up, I'm trying to sleep here" she shouted.

"I was planning on sending the shrimp to wake you anyway, don't be mad miss tsundere" Jack laughed.

"TSUNDERE?" Noelle shouted angrily.

"shrimp?" Asta said, a bit offended.

"Well since you're awake, why don't you join your prince charming over there, he eagerly awaited your awakening" Jack said nonchalantly. Asta blushed a little, Noelle went beet red.

"O-one day I'll get you for this" Noelle shot back. Jack just smirked, opened his compass and adjusted the course again.

"How is it that Jack came by that compass?" Asta asked Gibbs.

"Nae a lot is known aboot Jack Sparrow afore he came tae Tortuga with a mind tae find th' treasure of th' Isla de Muerta. That was afore ah met him, when he was th' captain of th' Black Pearl" Gibbs spoke and took a sip out of his canteen.

Asta's and Noelle's eyes widened. They let out a synchronised "WHAT" as Gibbs realised his mistake.

"He failed to mention that" Asta said in disbelief and Noelle nodded.

"He plays things close tae th' vest now. 'N' a hard-learned lesson it was. Ye see, three days intae th' trip, th' first mate says: 'Everything's an equals share, so th' location of th'treasure, too.' So Jack gives up the th' bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island and left him tae die. But not afore he'd gone mad with th' heat." Gibbs spoke.

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