Chapter 18 - Reunion

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The battle of the Doughty raged on. The remaining soldiers fought valiantly, but were outmatched by the immortal skeleton army. Even so, they kept resisting, not giving up. One of these brave souls was backstabbed by Pintel, who came from the gun deck alongside Ragetti to help in the assault. When they took a look around, Ragetti noticed something weird.

"Hey, is she supposed to be doing that?" Ragetti asked, panicking a bit.

"They're stealing our ship" Pintel confirmed.

"BLOODY PIRATES" Ragetti shouted. By the time he finished, Nozel arrived with reinforcemets. They boarded quickly and within seconds, the fight was no longer one sided. The pirates turned to fend of the boarders, but it was too late. Within seconds the deck was flooded with fresh soldiers. Once Nozel got onboard, he immediately summoned his grimoire and shot a giant mercury spear and lodged it into Koehler's chest. The guy laughed and easily removed the spear from his cavity. Nozel knew offensive spells wouldn't do the trick. He then summoned a semi-defensive spell, that allowed him to spar with multiple pirates at once. However, the fight was still against an untiring, immortal enemy, and stalling for time will only worsen the situation.

"Damn, I am getting nowhere" Nozel thought to himself. And he was right. He only managed to temporairly balance the situation. However as soon as he'd run out of mana, he'd be a dead guy.

"Whatever you got planned Sparrow, hurry up" Nozel shouted while he kept on fighting. The fight once again began to lean in favor of the undead team. The first mate sent a shroud swinging at one of the pirates, but missed miserably. However as they say, what goes up must go down. Or in this case what swings forward must swing backward. The shroud instead managed to smash into Ragetti's back head, knocking Ragetti's wooden eye out of it's socket and sent it rolling onto the deck.

"Me eye!" Ragetti shouted in panic and began to crawl for it. While that was happening our secondary or main, let's just call them the team rocket of the magic knights, finally got onboard. What they saw could only be described as utter chaos. Soldiers fighting undead pirates using cutlasses and then there were the occasional magic knights, who missed the memo about the undead basically being immune to magic, dying horribly in the process by using said inefective spells. The two exchange looks, shouted their battlecries and charged into battle.

Meanwhile back at the cave, the bomberman used explosion magic and managed to directly hit Noelle, sending her flying along with blowing up the majority of a nearby stash. Jack and Barbossa just shot a quick glare that way and resumed their duel.  

"What even is that spell, it's impossible to dodge" Noelle complained.

"Oh I call her Killer Queen, but you don't have to worry about that. I'm gonna use her little sister and teach you the meaning of pain" the guy laughed.

"Oh, you like pain?" Asta interrupted the guy by smacking him into a wall with his Demon Slayer sword. "Try ten thousand push ups a day" he finished and turned to Noelle.

"Y-you're okay, thank god" Noelle said with tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Of course I'm okay, did you expect the main character to die so easily?" Asta finished, making the fabric of reality break.

"Oops, sorry broke the fourth wall on accident, hey bomberman, could you rewind time a bit?" Asta said after he became self aware, almost alerting the time cops.

"Sure, Killer Queen: Bites the dust!" The totally not nonsensical Jojo reference agreed.

----------one time rewind later----------

"Y-you're okay, thank god" Noelle said with tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Don't write me off so easily Noelle" said Asta. They then turned their attention towards Jack, who just slashed Barbossa's skelleton back, making him yell in pain.

"So, who's side is Jack on?" Asta asked, confused.

"At the moment?" Noelle added snarkly. The two then turned towards the remaining pirates. The poor guy, that had been trying to free him self from the kettle managed to do so, only to be slammed in the face by Asta's big black sword. That left him open for an attack, and would you believe the two remaining pirates both took a swing at the boy? Luckily for our beloved buff shrimp he has a beautiful knight next to him, who parries the hit and the fight continues. The two overwhelm the pirates, eventually leading up to Asta impaling all three of them to a wall using his Demon slayer sword. The three try to free themselves in various ways. The bomberman summons a bomb, which backfires badly. The bomb is snathced by Noelle, who passes it to Asta, who then proceeds to slam dunk it into the bomberman's chest, lighting the fuse. Noelle then uses her magic to lift a rock and block the moonlight, returning them to their base forms. Upon noticing that he is unable to remove the bomb, or cancel the fuse, the bomberman just said: 

"No fair" 

With the huge explosion separating them, Noelle ran towards the chest while Asta pulled out his Demon dweller and in his black form flew to help Jack. At first being distracted the dueling pair stopped their duel. Jack was the one to move. He slit his hand with the coin in it, comboed Barbossa into stumbling and threw the coin to Noelle. At the same time Asta arrived to help Jack. Barbossa was pissed. He tackled Asta to the ground and put his flintlock up against Asta's forehead. Everything seemed to stop for a moment.

Then the sound of a gunshot pierced the momentary silence.

And that's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. This one was weird to me. I have these new ideas in my head, that I got to preseve for the next book and at the same time I want to write them down, because there is a good chance I'll forget them. Oh well. Also I think I need to make my references more subtle, but I'll let you guys judge since I'm still a total beginner. Anyways see ya next time fellas.

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