Chapter 9 - Tortuga

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/Klaus Badelt - Blood Ritual - 3:12-3:33/

As the Interceptor sailed off to the Sunset a new journey has begun.  Noelle was still stunned by the stunt her and Asta pulled off. She looked back. She couldn't even see the shore anymore. She knew that if something were to happen to them, nobody would come to the rescue. They were truly, on their own. "Don't panic Noelle, everything will be alright" she thought to herself. She tried disracting herself by looking around the deck. Suddenly, she went Crimson lion uniform levels of red, when she saw Asta. The boy was moving crates below deck and suddenly took his shirt off. Every inch of his muscular upper body was visible to her.

"B-b-b-b-b-" she muttered attracting the attention of the working boy.

"Is something wrong" Asta said, as he got a better grip on the crate he was carrying, efectively flexing his muscles even more.

"B-B-BAKASTA" she shouted, as she aimed her wand at Asta. Suddenly she felt a cold, metalic object on her shoulder.

"Missy, if you'd be so kind" Jack said as he gestured Noelle to lower her wand. When she lowered it Jack holstered his blade.

"Phew, wouldn't want a Meg chomping on our ship now, would we" he said jokingly. He then caught a glare from Asta, who was ready to protect his friend. He laughed as he walked back to the quarterdeck. Noelle and Asta followed him. Jack glanced at the pair and said: "Ya better put something on laddy, or you'll get a sunburn"

Asta and Noelle looked at eachother confused.

"What do you mean" Asta said confused. Jack sighed.

"Sea isn't a safe place young man, the more risks you take, the harder shall you pay" Jack responded. As Asta was dressing himself, Jack scanned the two again.

"So you're planning on wearing this the entire way" Jack asked.

"Yes, did you expect me to dress like a peasant, I am royalty you know" Noelle scoffed.

Jack sighed "I'll get you some proper clothes when we arrive"

"We're perfectly fine with our current clothing" Noelle responded.

"Lady, the clothes you're wearing may be fine on land, but these are worthless on sea" Jack responded with a smirk.

"Worthless?" Asta asked confused as he examined his clothes.

"Son, do you know what the thing above the cloud's called" Jack asked.

"Eh, the sun, maybe?" Asta responded confused.

"Precisely young one, the sun" Jack said "So unless you want to get a sunburnt or sun stroken, you'll be wearing whatever I'll tell you" he added. The pair looked at eachother.

"Okay" Asta said and turned to leave. Noelle suddenly asked: "Did you know my mother" Asta stopped in his tracks and Jack closed his compass.

"I haven't got the faintest idea what you're talking abo-" Jack tried saying but was cut off.

 "Acier Silva, former captain, the woman who died after she had given birth to me" Noelle shouted. Asta looked at Jack.

"That's cool and all, but I still-" Jack tried avoiding the subject, but was cut off by Noelle again.

"Don't lie" she shouted " In jail it was only after you've learnt my name you started negotiating, I am not an idiot pirate, you knew my mother, spill it" she continued.

Jack sat down and spoke: "Yeah, I knew her, the Steel war princess, I sometimes saw her in action" he said "Great woman, quite the rule breaker" Jack said as he turned towards Noelle "I swear you look just like her" he finished.

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