Chapter 6 - Swords crossed

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No one's POV:

As Jack went for Asta's head, Asta parried the attack with his demon dweller sword. Asta realized, that the sword of the pirate isn't magic based. Jack thought the same thing of the sword wielded by the mysterious boy. They clashed, parrying their opponent's attacks and avoiding slashes. After a few exchanges Jack lowered his cutlass, examining Asta.

"You know what you're doing, I'll give you that" said Jack "excellent form, but how's your footwork" he continued. 

"If I step here" said Jack as he continued to duel with Asta.

"Very well, and now I step again" said Jack as he maneuvered around Asta. Before Asta realized it, the man was standing infront of the exit.

"See ya chum" said the man, turning his back to Asta. However Asta wasn't quite finished yet. He threw the demon dweller next to Jack's head. Jack first stared at the sword, which was still wiggling next to his head, then stared at the boy who threw it. As he grabbed the handle, trying to pull the sword out, he noiticed, that his mana was being drained. He grasped the handle tight and tried to remove the sword from the door. As hard as he tried, he couldn't pull it out. He turned his attention towards Asta.

"That's a wonderful trick, except once again you're between me and my way out, and now, you've got no weapon" Jack said grinning.

/Klaus Badelt- Will and Elizabeth/

Suddenly Asta pulled the hot rod, Jack used earlier, out of the furnace. The donkey's memory was still fresh and he started moving. The fight was on. Sparks went flying as Jack's sturdy steel blade met Asta's newly aquired hot stick. After a few exchanges Jack knocked the stick out of Asta's hands, utilizing his shackles. Asta did a barrel roll and pulled out the demon slayer sword alongside the demon destroyer. When him and Jack clashed again, Jack asked:

"How many of these do you have" Asta smiled ear to ear.

"Three, and I practice with them-" Asta was interupted by Jack throwing a hammer he found.

"-all day long mate" Asta continued. Jack did a barrel roll this time and spoke with a smug face.

"You need to find yourself a girl mate" Asta swung his sword blushing slightly. As Jack and Asta continued to exchange blows, and Asta dodged occasional hammers from Jack, suddenly they stopped with their blades crossed.

"Or perhaps the reason for practicing all day long is that you already found one, and are otherwise incapable of wooing said girl" Jack said with a smug face "You're not a eunuch are you" Jack asked while closely observing Asta top to bottom. Asta being slighltly less dense as ever, thought of sister lily, Noelle, and all the other girls. He wasn't interested in them romantically, yet. He blushed slightly and shouted:

"I train all day long, so one day, I'll become the Wizard king" Jack just smiled slightly.

Jack and Asta moved onto a simple carriage, being held in place by a few sticks. Once they were duking it out on the carriage, the sticks gave way and suddenly it was like fighting on a sloop. The two men balanced atop the carriage while exchanging blows. Suddenly Asta managed to entangle his sword with the leftover of the chain on Jack's right hand. He rammed his demon slayer sword into the support beam above them. Jack was trapped. He swung at Asta, but to no avail, he was in trouble. Suddenly he realized, that a plank below the boy's chin was kinda loose. He aplied pressure and boom, Asta was uppercutted by a plank. Jack curled up in midair, to apply more pressure to Asta's biggest sword. Asta, who managed to wake up from the slumber, saw this as an oportunity. He climbed on top of the carriage once again. Suddenly Jack heard a crackling noise as Asta's sword finally gave way to gravity and Jack's effort. Jack fell down on top of the carriage, launching Asta airborne. When Jack stood up and looked around, the boy was nowhere to be found. When he looked up, he saw him. Jack chuckled. However his chuckle was interrupted by Asta cutting down an anvil, launching Jack up to him. As Jack stood up, he faced his opponent. They started jumping from side to side on the support beams, until they clashed for the final time. Jack's cutlass against Asta's demon destroyer. They were equally matched, however, Asta's a better swordsman. He knocked the cutlass out of Jack's hand, forcing him to retreat. Jack jumped down, however, Asta was already waiting for him, pointing his sword at Jack. Jack didn't hesitate, he grabbed a nearby bag filled to brim with some kind of a dirt, blinding Asta, knocking the sword out of Asta's hand and pulling his pistol on Asta. When Asta recovered and grabbed a nearby stick, he stared down the barrel of Jack's pistol.

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