Chapter 11 - The Chase

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Asta was on his way to the captain's cabin. When he opened the door, he saw Noelle cowering in a corner. He knocked on the door to alert her of his presence.

"Had a rough night?" Asta asked nonchalantly. Noelle sighed.

"You could say that. Had two nightmares for the price of one." Noelle said, blushing a bit.

"And what did you experience, in those said nightmares?" Asta asked. Noelle turned to face the boy. She was beet red. It was unusal to see him being that interested in her whereabouts. He would check on her from time to time, mostly in battles, but looking after her casually? Her heart was in overdrive.
"W-wh-wh-" she mumbled.

"Something wrong Noelle?" the boy asked.


"But you kinda di...nevermind, captain sent me to bring you ashore, it's time to meet the crew" Asta said, a bit stunned.

"S-s-so what are you waiting for Bakasta, we have to go" she said as she hastily dressed herself. When they arrived on deck Noelle looked around. It was almost noon. When  she tried pulling out her grimoire Asta quickly stopped her.

"C'mon Noelle, you know the rules" Asta said.

"Then how do you expect me to go ashore, dummy" Noelle scoffed.

"Maybe it would be a good idea, I don't know, to use this rowboat?" Jack iterrupted the pair.

Noelle felt a bit dumb, but decided to use her get-out-of-a-bad-situation-by-being-a-tsundere free card. "Hmmpf, I hope you're not expecting me to do the hard work, I am royalty you know" she said as she casually played with her hair. Jack and Asta just sighed and everyone sat in the rowboat. Asta grabbed the oars and started rowing towards the shore. Everyone was silent. Noelle kept switching looking at Asta and Jack. Suddenly she spoke.

"I know it's a weird question to ask, but when were you two knuckleheads planning on introducing this guy?" Noelle asked.

"Oh, this i-" Asta said, but was interrupted by Gibbs "Joshamee Gibbs lassie, yer new first mate" Gibbs said as extended his hand. To his surprise, he was slapped.

"Who do you think you are, I won't shake hands with a drunk peasant, I am royalty you know" Noelle scoffed. Jack and Gibbs exchanged looks. Gibbs took a loud sip out of his flask and said: "This'll be interesting"

When they arrived ashore, they were greeted by sailors standing in a line awaiting their admission.

"Feast yer eyes, captain. All o'thaim, faithful hands afore th'mast. Every man worth his salt, 'n crazy tae boot" Gibbs said. Asta and Noelle exchanged terrified looks.

"You can't be serious" Asta thought to himself.

"Is this supposed to be your able bodied crew, seriously?" Noelle said in a mocking tone. Jack paid no attention to the two land rats and continued examining his sailors. Suddenly he saw a tall, thin man and a short weasel that pretended to be a man.

"Your name sailor" Jack asked.

"Mundy sir" Gibbs answered.

"Would you like to elaborate what exactly is that" Jack said, pointing at the man's weird rifle.

"Ya mean my eye of reach?" Mundy asked.

"Yeah, that thing" Jack responded.

"It's my long range rifle, you got a problem with that mate" sailor scoffed.

"Why would you need, whatever that thing is, on a ship" Jack asked.

"Snipin's a good job mate" Mundy proclaimed.

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