Chapter 17 - Surprise visit

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The broadside of the Pearl was at inches away. Asta was barely balancing on his sword, as this was a brand new technique to him. Earlier he had almost fallen off multiple times, due to the inconsistency in the manaflow. He was now balancing next to a cannon port, that coincidentaly was the dining place of the only pirates aboard the Pearl. Asta leaned closer to listen on their antics. 

"What would you like to eat first mate? I think we should decide now, so we are prepared for the, ya know, release. Once the time comes, we can't just stuff our stomachs full right, because we would get a stomachache, right? Since we're no longer immortal, right? So here what I'm...." said the guy, that Asta decided to ignore after a while.

"I kinda feel bad for these guys, but they are pirates, so screw them" Asta thought to himself as he climbed up the ladder. When he reached the top, he took a quick snoop around.

"Clear" he though to himself and climbed on board. He took a few steps only for the damned monkey to swing right infront of Asta's face. He screamed to scare Asta, only to realize from Asta's semi-sadistic grin, that Asta has seen things. The monkey has hit rock bottom. You know, "rock" when he slammed face first into the cannon and "bottom", when he sank to the bottom of the sea. Only problem was, that the cannon he slammed his skeleton face into, was the cannon next to our food enthusiasts.

"What was that" they said in sync as they watched the monkey continue it's fall.

"Busted" Asta thought to himself, as he quickly ran down below deck. Then he had an idea. Instead of fighting two immortal swordsmen, how about outsmarting them. And so he did. He hid behind the pillar and held his breath as the two bafoons ran up the stairs to search the main deck. He used the moment of confusion  to run down to the brig. Gibbs and the remainder of the crew chatted in the brig, when they heard footsteps. Gibbs quickly silenced everyone. When Asta appeared, Gibbs almost shouted: "Asta, me boy!"

The fight aboard the Doughty was getting desperate. The remaining mercenaries were being slaughtered one by one. Pintel and Ragetti made their way aboard and took control of the cannons. The situation got worse by second and it almost seemed like the pirates were about to win, when one of the few magic knights shot a huge fire spell into the sky. It exploded like a huge firework, alerting Nozel. When he saw the emergency flare, his eyes filled with dread.

"Dorothy" he thought to himself and quickly ordered his men: "Make for the ship! MOVE!"

The knight that shot the spell just turned around and felt a cutlass piercing his stomach.

"Brave sacrifice, but a worthless one" said the pirate, mocking him. Nozel and his platoon made their way to the ship, when their own ship begun firing at them.

"Zigzag maneuver, zigzag maneuver!" Nozel shouted. 

Meanwhile in the cabin Nebra and Solid looked through the cabin's windows, while Dorothy was devising a plan. Suddenly a person passed by making the two duck. It was followed by a gunshot and a dead body falling face first onto the cabin's window. Solid looked terrified, when he noticed that he was exchanging looks with an undead pirate. Suddenly multiple hands begun reaching for the poor boy. Nebra acted quickly and tried to lead her younger brother away, when he was caught by one of them.

"It won't let go" Solid shouted desperately.

"Dorothy!" Nebra called for help. Dorothy then ran to the corner and picked up a hammer. With one clean swing, the hand came off.

Back at the cave Jack was in a fierce duel with Barbossa. When he was pushed back near a ray of moonlight, that came through an opening in the ceiling. He tripped and fell. When Barbossa saw Jack lying there he threw away his cutlass.

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