Vikram to leave India

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(Few days passed,it was the day of vikram's departure to london, vikram was packings his bags, At that time Sujatha came)

Sujatha:did you pack your things, nothing is left na

Vikram:I packed,nothing is left, where is dad?

Sujatha:you don't know about him

Vikram:ma,why it is happening to me?what I did to him,really he have don't affection on me

Sujatha:not like that pa

Vikram:only for your happiness,I'm leaving for london

(He hugged his mother and she went to hall,At that time shiva, sharanya, aditi came to his house, they greeted her and went to vikram's room)

Sharanya:have you packed the bags


Shiva:go and study well

Aditi:yeah,you study well,I will be waiting for you

(a tear escaped from her eyes, vikram noticed it)

Vikram:you both(shivanya)wait in hall,I will come with her

(They both nooded and left)

(Vikram came to aditi and cupped her face)

Vikram:I know you will be sad,please don't feel,I will be with you

Aditi:I know

Vikram:promise me that you will not cry until I return to india,I want to see you happy always


Vikram:see me,you are my girl,you should be strong

(Aditi nooded and hugged him,he also hugged back)

Aditi:will you love me after leaving to london

Vikram:I will love you

Aditi:will you do msg & video call daily

Vikram:I will

Aditi:will you flitred with any girl

Vikram:I will

Aditi:What(she break the hug)


Aditi:what you said,if you see any girl,I will kill you

Vikram:promise,i will never see any girl and do not flitred with girls,ok

( Hear the bgm,when the above conversation going on)

Aditi:ok,wait one minute

(Aditi took the Kumkum and vibuthi and kept in vikram's forehead)

Aditi:go and succeed,you should reach heights and achieve goals


(Aditi blushed,vikram went near her ears)

Vikram:soon I reach india,after 4 years,I will talk about our marriage in our home

Aditi:ok my hubby

Vikram:wow,what a change in you

Aditi:I should change according to your mood,which will be useful for me in future

Vikram:that's right,before going...

Aditi:before going

Vikram:I need

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