Unexpected happens

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Precap: A person with knife came near vikram,Sharanya saw this

Sharanya: Vikram..

Shivaa: vikram..

(All closed their eyes for a second and opened the eyes to shock the scenario,where the person tends to stab vikram,but aditi came in between, blood was oozing from her stomach)


(where aditi cannot stand, she was about to fall vikram holded her,Shiva and sharanya came to them,vikranth friends left the place)




Sharanya:lets take her and go to hospital

(Vikram carried her in arms and went to car,vikram make her lie in his lap,shiva and sharanya was sitting in front seat, while going,three of them crying while vikram is crying badly)

Vikram:nothing will happen to you

Aditi:i do..nt kno..w vikku how long i will sta..y with y..ou(wipping his tears)

Vikram:why are you speaking like this?

Aditi:Som.....etimes truth will be bit.....ter we ha....ve to ac.......cept it

Sharanya:we are all with you,dont worry

Shiva:nothing will happen to you chatterbox,you are my sister right..

Aditi:I'm lu....cky to h....ave yo...u all,Unfourna..tely my fat....e take aw..ay the peo....ple whom i love....d,first my fat.....her next, i'm goin....g to leav...e  y...ou all(breathing heavily)

Vikram:nothing happen to you,i promise(Vikram holded her hand)

(He said and she become unconsious)

Vikram:Aditi wake up,(Tapping her face)

Vikram:shiva,go fast da

(they reached the hospital,still their hands are holding and then vikram released her hand aditi was taken to the operation theatre,Shiva called preethi ,priya and and informed about aditi,where priya and parvathi reached the hospital, was consoling vikram)

Priya:how is she?

(at time preethi cam to hospital and saw shivaa and went to him,Priya turned and shocked to see preethi)



Preethi:where is aditi?

Priya:inside(pointing the operation theatre)

(Preethi cried)

Priya:what happened preethi,I didn't expect you to be here

Preethi: Akka,Aditi.....Aditi,she is my daughter

(parvathi and priya gets shocked)

Parvathi:preethi,aditi your daughter,that means she is my grand daughter


(At time dr came)

Vikram(Still crying):how is she dr?

Dr:she is critical,because the knife which is stabbed is applied poisonous in it,within 24 hrs if she does not get back her conscious,she will slip to coma,belive in god,That's all i can say.

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