First meet ❤️

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As they two were hit the bike (or) scooty in front of them,they two were trembling in fear and get down from bike and thinks how the person before them going to react to it,As they were in their imaginations, someone before them snapping the fingers in front of them, it was none other than aditi.

Aditi: hello! excuse me ,come out of your world..

As they two came to sense

Vikram:we are extremely sorry.

Aditi: what sorry?you can't see the road and drive,does anybody giving you an award for hitting the scooty of preety,cute, sweet innocent girl's scooty.

Vikram:sorry Ms,we have a urgent work,sorry for our doings and we have to go now it's already late

Aditi:(seeing the vikram):why only you asking sorry why he can't. Looking like a selfie stick,he can see vehicles before him
And also traffic is visible to him and drive fastly atlast hits my scooty and not even asking sorry...

Shiva:I'm really sorry

(As she started to scold Shiva and vikram who was standing behind him was laughing like a hell , he can't control his laughter)

Shiva:why are you laughing like a idiot da?

Vikram:I laughed because as she scolds like me especially she named you as selfie stick which I have been kept for you.

Shiva:stop it da or otherwise I will kill you..

Vikram:Trying da

( He tries to control his laughter  but his laughing sound reached aditi)

Aditi:why are laughing like a idiot?
I was shouting  your friend but you were laughing like a mental.

(Vikram stop the laughing but Shiva laughed inside him with sound but sound heared vikram )

Vikram:Why are you laughing silently da.

Shiva:she scold you as idiot,mental for that I laughed.

(As soon as Shiva says ,vikram hits his leg,and they stopped laughing and as soon they see the green signal glow they were in hurry, aditi was looking back for what ,they are in hurry as soon as she turn to them ,they left with high speed)

Aditi: disgusting creatures..

(She left that place and came to college and other three came to college. As Aditi parked the scooty in college parking . She was walking inside the campus  and  saw a notice board and came near it, It was written as "WELCOME FRESHERS"  and she saw the department and the class where it is and left, she walking towards the class and saw the small temple right side of her )

Aditi:Wow it's so cute and small

(She went inside the and prays to the god  and  she tends to leave ,a voice came from behind and she turns)

Sharanya:Hello! excuse me.


Sharanya:you left your hand kerchief.

Aditi:Oops!Thank you.By the way your name?

Sharanya: Sharanya, your name?

Aditi:Aditi Balasubramaniam.
(As they were started their conversation and comes to know that they are going to same class)

Aditi:shall we go to our class.

Sharanya:Yes we can go..

(They left)

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