Aditi faces vikram's anger

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(Two days passed, Ravichandran and Sujatha left to function,they will return after 2 days,only adivik and rithika was in home,in kitchen aditi was preparing breakfast,vikram came to her)

Vikram:aditi..did you prepare breakfast

Aditi:two minutes





Vikram:today,no one was there at home,so


Vikram:shall we go out

Aditi:you said today you have important meeting's ok no problem,khanna will handle it

Aditi:but,it's important right

Vikram:please na

Aditi:ok but we can go after your meeting


(They had their breakfast,vikram was about to go, rithika called him)

Rithika:shall you drop me on the way


(Vikram was driving car,rithika was staring him, vikram noticed her,he reached her place,she was about to go)

Vikram:stop staring me,or otherwise I will not get you in car

(Rithika get down from car,vikram left the place)

Rithika:I will not leave you vikram

(At afternoon,vikram was free,he called aditi,she attended the call)



Vikram:did you get ready

Aditi:yes,within 30 mins I will be in your office

Vikram:see you soon dr


(The conversation ended,aditi gets ready and was about to leave she got a call from shiva,she attended the call)


Shiva:can you come to office immediately

Aditi:now,how can I come

Shiva:it's very urgent,come soon


(Call disconnected,after sometime aditi reach office,she entered the cabin,where shiva was sitting with papers)

Aditi:anna,what happened?

Shiva:actually,aditi today there was meeting at 4pm,yesterday I had done the outline of the project,but project file was missing in laptop

Aditi:what?project file was missing?did you check properly in laptop?where did you saved

Shiva:yeah,I checked but I didn't get

Aditi:did you backup the file


Aditi:what?how can you be so careless

(She left the cabin angrily,aditi called riya(her P.A))

Aditi:I need the each and every information of the meeting and their project,which is going to held at 4pm

(Riya explained her,after that aditi called shiva to his cabin and starts discussing about the project and started the ppt,on the other side vikram was waiting for aditi)

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