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Precap:Adivik confesses their love

Aditi:I love you more

Vikram:I love you infinity..

(Breaking the hug,they smiled looking at each other,two person at the distance were watching the scenario,they were happy they was non other than shiva and sharanya)

Shiva:happahh.... Finally they confess their love...

Sharanya:yes,I was really happy... (in excitement she hugged shiva,shiva was in hell shock, sharanya then came to know what she did and distance herself from shiva)

Sharanya:I'm sorry!!!

Shiva:it's ok(said with a slight smile in his face)

(Shiva and sharanya came to adivik)

Sharanya(pointing towards aditi): congratulations!!(sharanya hugged aditi)be happy with your love forever...

Aditi: thank you sharans (said happily)

Shiva(pointing towards vikram):so happy for you da

Vikram:thanks da(said happily)

Shiva:ok, come lets go the class...

All three:ok

(All three went to class,seated in their seates,aditi was thinking about vikranth's word,which was pricking her mind)

Aditi(MV):what will vikranth do,from the school days,I knew his character,if he doesn't get anything if he wish,he will go to any extent,what I will do if he hurts vikram,no,no I will not let this happen,I have to be vikram with all the time

(Sharanya,vikram and shiva was watching aditi,where she was thinking about vikranth's words, sharanya then waved her hand)

Sharanya:addu what happened?

Aditi: nothing!!(said and give a fake smile)

Aditi(MV):No,I will not say with anyone especially with vikram..

(As vikram was not satisfied with aditi answer and thought that , she is hiding something from him,then vikram rises his questions)

Vikram: anything you are hiding from us?

Aditi:no, nothing!!

(Then he thought for a while)

Vikram(MV):I will ask with her later..

Vikram:ok,if anything there you can say at anytime..

Aditi:ok(said smilingly)

Shiva(pointing towards sharanya):see sharanya aditi will first say to vikram,not to us(said teasingly)

Sharanya:yeah,he is only her first priority,(pointing aditi)right na aditi!!(said teasingly)

Vikram:why guys always teasing us(said making puppy face).

Aditi:it's not like that,all three are equal to me..

All three:ok(said and smiled)

(As college gets over,all four goes for parking,vikram with shiva and aditi with sharanya)

Shiva (whispers in vikram's ear):what suprises you are planning da?

Vikram:wait for a minute
(vikram turns back to aditi and sharanya)

Vikram(pointing towards aditi):be ready at 7:00 pm sharp,we will go outside..,I have an suprise for you

Aditi:ok,what is the suprise?

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