Aditi's new life

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(Next day,rithika was getting ready to interview and was admiring her infront of mirror)

Rithika (MV):today,why I'm admiring me more(said  with a blush)'s time I have to go

(In hall,aditi and vikram was speaking)

Aditi:become MD of company,but dont know how to wear tie

(Vikram pulled her by waist)

Vikram:you are there na

(Aditi smiled,at that time rithika came,she went to them and she cleared the throat,adivik distance themselves)

Rithika:what are you doing?


Vikram:nothing!!..Kitty I have to go

(Vikram was about to go,rithika stopped him)

Rithika:can you drop me,I have an interview

Vikram:sure,bye aditi



(Both left,in car vikram was driving, rithika was seeing outside, vikram called her)

Vikram:rithika where do you have interview

Rithika:in harish's office

Vikram: harish's office?



(Rithika turned outside and saw the ice cream shop and reminded yesterday's incident how she and harish had their ice cream and their moments, she was smiling,vikram noticed her)


(Rithika didn't turned,vikram again called her,but she didn't,then he jerk her)

Rithika:what vikram?what happened?

Vikram:what happened to you?

Rithika:why are you asking like this?I'm fine

Vikram:I'm calling you from few minutes,but you are not responding...

Rithika:sorry,I was in other thought

Vikram:I knew,for the few days,I saw a change in you,your face is glown and also blushing sometimes

Rithika:it's nothing

(Rithika reached harish office,she sad bye to vikram,get down from the car and was about to go,vikram stopped her)

Vikram:your interview file

Rithika:oh..sorry totally forget

Vikram:it's ok,all the best

Rithika:thank you

(Rithika left smiled,vikram was confused by behaviour and he didn't think anything and left)

(Rithika went to receptionist and ask about interview details,at that time harish came)

Harish:hey rithika!!good morning!!

Rithika: good morning!!!

Harish:did you prepare for interview

Rithika:I think...

Harish:it's ok...come we can go....

(Both left,harish is standing outside of conference room,rithika was attending the interview,after sometime she came out with a sad face,harish was standing in tension)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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