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(In a dark room,A person was talking to other person)

Person2:Today I saw them ,they were happy, I will not let them be happy

Person 1:That day,the chance is missed but tomorrow we will not miss the chance

Person2:He &She should not die,we just blackmailing them so  that they should not stay togethor,

Person1:I will excute the plan tomorrow, Tomorrow they will not miss from the plan 

Person-2:Lets see how can they stay togethor

(Two person is smirked and laughed devilishly)

(On the other side, shiva went to his home, priya spotted him)

Priya: dei go and bath and come or otherwise your  darling will beat with sticks

Shiva: She will not beat me you go ma

(shiva was about to take the sweets from plate which is kept in the table, someone twisted his ear, he turned and was shocked to see the person)

Shiva:ahh,its paining darling,leave na

(yes,it  shiva's grandma,her name is parvathi)

Parvathi:sorry da,you go and bath and come,I will serve you after ok

Shiv:ok, but only one


(she serve the  sweet in her hand,he gets that)

Parvathi(pointing towards priya):you also come ma,

(She serves sweet to her,she also happy,At that time Rajendran(Shiva's father)came,he was happy to his mother )

Rajendran: ma,you came,I was missing you two years,i was happy that you came to  meet us

Parvathi(Pointing towards priya):Say to him I wont talk to him and other more thing I came to see you all not him,I will go to my room,you bring a cup of coffee for me

Priya:ok ma

(she went,Rajendran was sad ,priya went to him)

Priya:Dont worry,you know about her na,then what,Soon the problem will be resolved

Rajendran:I'm waiting for that day(said and went to his room

Shiva:Maa,what the problem between appa and grandma, Since from childhood I'm seeing she is not talking with appa,what's the reason behind this?What are you hiding from me ma?

Priya;I will say you later,now you go and get ready da

Shiva:ok ma

(On the other side,aditi went to her mother and said about  the pooja and she also granted the permission to go to shiva's home ,on the other side sharanya tried to convince her mother, atlast she also gave the permission, they were getting ready on their houses, aditi was wearing yellow kurthi and sharanya was wearing red kurthi, on the other side vikram was getting  ready and went to hall, were his mother was ready waiting for him,he was about to go out stopped and looking his mother)

Vikram: were are you going ma?

Sujatha: I'm also coming with you, priya has invited for today's pooja

Vikram: ok ma

Vikram(MV):After dropping ma in shiva's home, I have to pick sharanya and aditi

(Vikram started the car and his mother sat in front seat, he was driving and reached  shiva's home)

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