Danger awaits

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(Next morning,shiva gets ready and went to his mother)

Shiva:ma,today you said you will show chitti's photo

Priya:it's in my room,i will take and come

(priya took the photo from room and hand overed to him,he was hell shocked)

Shiva(MV):she is aditi's ma right,then she is my chitti,that means aditi is my sister...

(Shiva was in other world,priya waved her hand,he came back to sense)

Priya:what happened da?

Shiva:ma..,is she is your sister?

Priya:yes da,it is the last photo which we we have took..If once i will meet her,i will be happy

Shiva(MV): Definitely, i will bring your sister and aditi to  you ma?

Shiva:I will promise you that i will bring your sister back

(priya smiled)

priya:today you have practicals right all the best

Shiva:thank you ma(said and shiva left for college)

(In college,all four were chitchatting)

Sharanya: have you studied for today's lab exam.

Aditi: somewhat...there is always robot with me, who always  help me

Sharanya:who is that robot?(asked confusingly)

Aditi:who else the one and only human robot vikram ravichandran.

Vikram:I'm a looking like a human robot

Aditi:ya, is there any doubt ,even all will say that you are human robot

Vikram:even you are looking like kutta kathirikka(small brinjal),did i say anything

(vikram remembered what he said and bitted his tongue,all Aditi were shocked,aditi went to vikram and he hided behind shiva)

Aditi:dei,come outside(said with a anger tone but no anger inside)

Vikram: no,i will not come

Aditi:Anna, you leave him, because of you he is escaping from me many times

Vikram(whispers to shiva):dei save me from her da

Shiva: between lovers i should not interfere, I'm sorry(he moved aside)

Shiva(Pointing towards sharanya):come lets go,let they can come behind

(they both left)

Aditi: open your eyes

Vikram:No,i will not,sorry for what i have said 

(Aditi came and twisted his ears)

Vikram:sorry yaar,its really paining

Aditi:its paining aa

(He nooded his face as yes)

Aditi:aww,my cutie...(pulled his cheeks)

(they both smiled, On the other side, Seeing adivik close to each other,two persons were  smirking)

Person 2:have you planed ?

Person 1:yes,i will execute today?

Person 2:what was the plan?

(Person 1 explained the plan

Person 2: definitely this plan will work

(they both gives hifi and laughed devilishly)

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