New life of Adivik

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Recap: adivik's marriage

(Vikram sat beside her and holded his hand,tears were rolling from his eyes,he removed the jewels from her,after sometimes Sujatha came and gave food to him and left,he ate the food and holding her hand in sitting position slept near her hand, at evening she woke up,she moved her hand,he woke up)

Vikram:are you ok?

Aditi:I'm fine,what happened?why I'm here

Vikram:while taking rounds,you fainted,blood was oozing from your forehead,dr check and did first aid


Vikram:first answer to my question, without lie


Vikram:what happened?why blood is coming out from your forehead?any problem did you face and don't try to say lies

Aditi:actually vikram,while I'm on the way to venue my car tire got punctured,I got down from the car,I try to reach Auto,but I didn't get,I try to call,but I left my phone in home,some goons were started following me,i runned but atlast I caught



(Aditi slowly opened her eyes,she saw the place,it was the room full of dust,her hands were tied with rope in the chair)

Aditi:who tied my hands,why I'm here,why the goons kidnapped me,first I have to get out of the place

(At that time,goons came)

Aditi:who are you guys,why you kidnapped me

Goon-1:it's order from my boss

Aditi:please leave me,I'm begging
you,today is my marriage

Goon-2:for that what can I do

(Aditi saw the rod,near the chair,she got an idea)

Aditi:I need some water

(goon-1 gave the water)

Aditi:how can I drink,my hands are tied

Goon-1:shall we remove the rope

Goon-2:no need

Goon-1:then how will she drink

(Goon-1 loosened the rope,aditi drank the water, she intentionally drop the glass)

Goon-2:can't you see

(Aditi took the rod nearby and beat them in head with rod,the goons fainted,then aditi escaped)

Flashback ends

Aditi:I don't know who are they,why they kidnapped,my head was pained,but I did not bother with the pain I came here

(Tears were rolling from his eyes)

Vikram:for marrying me,you are facing this much difficulties

Aditi:it's not like that(wiping his tears)you are mine only mine,smile na,you are crying today,This day is special and memorable day in our life,today is our marriage,I was happy while tieing the mangalsutra, we are officially husband and wife

(Vikram kissed her forehead)

Vikram:I love you..❤️❤️

Aditi:I love you too vikku❤️❤️

Vikram:shall we eat the dinner

Aditi:dinner,oh my god..I didn't see the time, what you are family think of me

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