I really love her💗

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(Next day starts,aditi came to college soon and was sitting in the steel bench thinking about yesterday's incident, sharanya came and sat beside her, aditi who was in another world didn't notice sharanya)


(Note:Aditi short form addu)

(Aditi didn't not respond then she waved her hand)


Aditi:haan sharans,good morning!!!

Sharanya: what happened to you?

Aditi: nothing (said in a low voice).

Sharanya:I know that you are thinking about yesterday's incident,it is past leave it,

Aditi:I'm trying

(As they two were chitchatting,it's a time to go for their class)

Sharanya: what happened to these two stupids, today also they are late,see they will get scolding from the professor,how will they come to class.

Aditi:How I came yesterday, likewise saying any reason they will
come see.

(Sharanya thinking about yesterday's incident and laughed)

Sharanya:you are really a drama queen..

Aditi:thank you sharans, come let's go the class,


(As they went to class,as they was late to class, professor was taking the class,aditi and sharanya were hell shocked to see vikram and shiva inside the class)

Aditi:sharans see these two idiots were sitting and listening.

Sharanya:what we will do,we have go inside or else we have to stand outside for whole class.

Aditi:let me think..(She thinked for a while)idea!!

(She says the idea)

Aditi: come lets go..


(In classroom there are two doors,one is near the board,and another door near the last bench which was locked outside,aditi and sharanya came by back door and sat in last bench,as class was over,they came to their places and sated quitely, vikram and shiva was shocked to see them)

Shiva & Vikram (MV):they didn't here while professor explaining the lecture,but how they come..

(As shiva and vikram comes towards them,aditi and sharanya notice that they are coming towards them)

Aditi:sharans,are you coming to library to takes the notes

Sharanya:yes,I'm coming
(avoiding them they both went to library)

Vikram:I think so they are angry upon us

Shiva:yes da, come lets go to library to console them..

(They went to library,aditi and sharanya were taking notes,shiva and vikram notice them)

Shiva(pointing towards vikram):you go and console aditi,I will console sharanya

Vikram:ok da(said smilingly)

(As shiva went to sharanya,vikram went to aditi)

Shiva:I'm sorry

Sharanya:for what?(raising her eyebrows)

Shiva:today we came soon,so we didn't inform you(said in a low tone)

Sharanya:you can tell before na,we were waiting for so long,today we came late to the class

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