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(Next day starts,the day passes by dance practice and rehersal,At night in aditi's room)

Aditi:my wait is over,only few hours were left,I'm very excited for tomorrow,it's a very special day in my life,I will confess my feelings to my sweetheart❤️
(said talking to her self and blushed)

(On other side vikram is also thinking about aditi)

Vikram: tomorrow's it gonna to be a special day for me...get ready ms.kitty,soon to be mrs.eye killer..

( he said and slept)

(Next day starts,vikram wears blue shirt and black jeans looking hot and handsome and vikram is waiting for shiva, atlast he came,while going in bike)

Vikram(pointing towards shiva):why this much late da?(said in an anger tone)

Shiva:I came in right time la,then why are you angry?

Vikram:you don't know today is the special day?(asked in questionable manner)

Shiva:what day?

Vikram: special day da....,today...,Feb 14

Shiva:ya,it's Feb 14,is there any special (said as if he doesn't know anything )

Vikram: nothing 😡

( Then he turned his face to other side,shiva noticed him through side mirror and laughed)

Shiva:i know today is valentine's day,you are going to propose anyone blabbered)

Shiva:yes or no, don't blabber idiot!!

Vikram:yes da..

Shiva:for whom?,wait let me think!!!hmmm...(after few seconds)I got it, you are proposing shivani right?(said to make him irritate)

Vikram: don't talk about that chudail,I don't like her(said and fuming in anger)

Shiva:(thinking about the day before yesterday's incident):ok da😂😂,be cool,I know that you are confessing your love to chatterbox..

Vikram:yes da,I'm confessing my love to aditi(a smile curved in his face)

Shiva: All the best mr.eye killer(said smilingly)

Vikram: thanks da, selfie stick

(On the other side aditi were getting ready, wears blue tops ,pink leggings,after few minutes she comes down,it's getting late for her and didn't have her breakfast, searching for her mother)

Aditi:Ma,bye ma(tries to escape but caught by her preethi)

Preethi:where are you going my dear without having your breakfast (said and pulled her ears lovingly)

Aditi:ma,it's getting late,I have to go please my sweet,cutest mom(said and making puppy face)

Preethi: don't make your puppy faces,you should eat(said and left her ears)

(As aditi can't able to escape,so she had her breakfast and left to college)

(All four comes to college, sharanya was waiting near the auditorium for Aditi,vikram and shiva,shiva comes towards sharanya)

Shiva: Good morning sharanya

Sharanya: good morning shiva

Sharanya:where is vikram?

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