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(Next day starts ,aditi and sharanya came to college and was sitting in the college park)

Sharanya:what was your plan?be careful or otherwise it may lead to anything

Aditi:ok I will see don't worry(said smilingly)

(As they two were chitchatting,vikranth came)

Vikranth:hey aditi , sharanya

Aditi & sharanya: hi,what are doing here

Vikranth:today I have special class,so I came today earlier


(As he sees the watch,it was already late for his class)

Vikranth:ok girls see you evening in the dance class

Aditi& sharanya:ok,bye..

Vikranth:bye..(hugged aditi and he went)

(The scenario was witnessed by our handsome hunk vikram was burning in jealousy,he comes to aditi along with shiva)

Vikram:hi, (pointing towards aditi and sharanya) come lets go to the class

Aditi:no, I will come with selfie stick

Vikram:why cant u come with me

Aditi:it's not like that,I and shiva have to submit the record

Vikram:you have to submit the record da

(Aditi signalled shiva to say yes)

Shiva:yes da,I and aditi will go, you and sharanya go to the class..(pointing towards aditi) come we can go...

Aditi(pointing towards vikram and sharanya):ok guys see you in the class

(And she left with shiva)

(On the way to lab)

Shiva:we have submitted the record yesterday itself,then why are you saying lies..

Aditi:I'm trying to avoid him so that he will come closer to me

Shiva:what a master plan..chatter box

Aditi:don't call me chatter box,if you call me likewise then I will call you selfie stick,is it ok...

Shiva:ok goddess durga,I will not call you...(in pleasing ways)

Aditi:ok (said smilingly)

(As they returned to class,it was break time)

Vikram(pointing towards three of them):come lets go to canteen

Aditi:I'm not coming ,you three can go

Sharanya:why what happened?

Aditi: I have a headache you guys can go

Vikram: come lets have some coffee,it will be refreshing after drinking....

Aditi:no,I will not coming,please leave alone..

Sharanya:ok,we will come back from canteen ,untill then you should take rest..

Aditi:ok sharanya

Shiva:take care,ok

Vikram:ok, take rest..

(As three of them left the class,aditi took a drawing paper and pencil started to draw the pair of eyes,guess who it is,it was vikram eyes)

Aditi(MV):such a cute eyes,he have,oh!!my sweetheart ❤️(said smilingly)

(After few minutes,she completed the drawing)

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