Adivik's Reception

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(After two days,it was their reception,vikram was getting ready in another room,aditi and reethu were getting ready,aditi was wearing black lehanga)

Rithu:anni looks so beautiful

Aditi:you too

(At that vikram came to room and signals reethu to leave the room, which was unnoticed by aditi)

Aditi:reethu,please tie the knot of blouse

(Vikram went to her,caressed her back,aditi know it's not reethu,he ties the knot of blouse)


Vikram:today you looks beautiful

Aditi:you also eye killer

Vikram:shall we go

Aditi:wait I didn't get ready,two minutes

(Vikram came to her,make her wear ornaments)

Aditi:perfect vikku

Vikram:wait,something is missing

(Vikram took vermillion and applied her in vermilion line,she smiled and blushed)

Vikram:now looks perfect,shall we go

(Vikram gave his hand,aditi catched it and came down,all were mesmerized by them,all the eyes were on them,Sujatha came to them)

Sujatha:both of them were beautiful couple of world,no one should keep eyes on you

(Sujatha takes the Kajal kept near their earlobes)

Sujatha:come both of you,all are waiting

(Sujatha made them way,they were holding each other and went to garden)

Note:reception is taking place in vikram's house

(Adivik reach the garden,which were decorated with flowers and lights,sharanya and shiva were in stage,adivik went to stage and hugged them)

Aditi:both looks beautiful

Sharanya:you both also

Vikram:see Shiva's face become brighter after marriage

(Shiva smiled and sharanya blushed)

(All the guest were starting coming to stage and wishes four of them,at that time rithika came with a gift to mom)

Rithika:ma,give this gift to aditi and vikram,make sure aditi should open

Rithika m:ok ma

Rithika:I got a nose cut,that to four of them laughed at me,especially aditi

Rithika m:we should not leave her

(They both smirked evily,rithika and her mother came to stage and gave this gift to adivik,at that time,a person came and hugged vikram)

Person:hi vikram,congrats happy married life

Vikram:thank you harish,

Aditi:vikram who is he?

Vikram:this is harish,cbi officer,now he got tranfer from London to here,so he will be working here

Aditi:oh..hi harish

Harish:hi sister,(to vikram)I want to speak to you personally

Vikram:Ok,aditi wait two minutes it's important

(Aditi nooded and harish and vikram left the stage and went near the bushes,rithika went behind them and was hidding under bushes)

Vikram:what happened da?did you find

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