Rithika's happiness

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(Next morning,sun was peeping through window, aditi sleep broke by sunlight,she woke up and  thinking about yesterday moment and was blushed,she was about to go,vikram held her hand,pulled her towards him)

Vikram:good morning kitty

Aditi:good morning,what are you doing?

Vikram:what am I doing?

Aditi:I need to bath,but you pulled me back

Vikram:come we can bath

Aditi:becoming beshram now a days

Vikram:do you want to see my beshram

(Aditi ran,vikram ran behind her,aditi closed the  bathroom door before vikram catch)

Vikram:it's not fair

Aditi:all is fair in love and war

Vikram:anyway,after bathing you will come out na,I will see

(Both smiled,vikram went to Kitchen and made coffee for both,aditi baths...gets ready,at that vikram came with coffee)

Vikram:coffee for my beautiful wife made by handsome husband

Aditi (taking coffee):thank you my handsome husband(ruffling his hairs)

Vikram:it has been long days,since we are having coffee together

Aditi:yeah...vikram,shall I ask something


Aditi:vikram it has been so many months I didn't go office regularly, only I'm attending meetings,if you give permission I will go to office

Vikram:you can go to office whenever you want

Aditi:thank you...but ma will accept


Aditi:ok,it's time for the office,you go and get ready,I will prepare breakfast

(vikram went to get ready,Aditi went to kitchen prepare breakfast,vikram came down,the door ball rang,vikram opened door,whole family came,they talked for sometime and he left to office)

(On the other hand,rithika and aditi was speaking)

Aditi:so what's your next plan in life?

Rithika:for the past few months,I have been searching for the job

Aditi:what type of job?

Rithika:I have been completed the course in hacking

Aditi:that's great

(Rithika sees the watch)

Rithika:it's time for interview,I have to go

Aditi:ok,all the best

Rithika:thank you,say to mom and to Sujatha aunty


(Rithika left the house,she attended the interview,after sometime, results came,she is not selected, and gets disappointed,she was waiting for the cab,at that a car came and stopped,person in the car comes out)

Rithika:harish you(so he is harish)

Harish:what are you doing here?

Rithika:waiting for the cab

Harish:where are you going?

Rithika:to home

Harish:I'm also going on the same way,if you wish I will drop in your home

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