Vikram's fear

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(Next morning,sun was peeping inside room,aditi woke up and saw vikram and was blushed and went to bath,after that she came down, she saw Sujatha in kitchen)

Aditi:good morning ma

Sujatha:good morning

(Rithu came from back)

Rithu:good morning amma & anni

(Rithu came to aditi whispered in her ears)

Rithu:anni,how was the first night(Aditi blushed)anni,don't blush like Tomato

(At that vikram came to kitchen, greeted all)

Vikram:today,I will come late to house,I have office works ma

Sujatha:ok pa

(At that time rithika mother came,all become shocked to see her,with a band aid in her nose which is red colour)

Vikram:what happened atthai?

Rithika m:that..


(After reception,rithu and rithika m was unpacking all the gifts,at that time current went off)

Rithu:atthai wait I will go and check

(Rithu went to check,at that time rithika m was unpacking the gifts,she opened the gift,a Spring boxing 🥊 glove,wrapped in the gift,straightly punches her nose,at that current came,rithu came)

Rithu:atthai,I came..(she saw her,her nose become red,then rithu saw the gift box,where rithika m was in pain)

Rithu:atthai,are you ok

(Rithika m checked the gift,which was given by rithika,she was shocked)

Rithika m(MV):rithika,I will not leave you

(Rithika m kept the ice in nose,to ease the pain,after that she went to sleep)

Flashback end

(All are laughing silently,but didn't show)

Aditi:now it is ok atthai

Rithika m:hmm

Vikram:atthai,next time be careful, while opening gift

Sujatha:vikram breakfast is ready, eat and go

(All came to dinning table,aditi and Sujatha served  all,aditi was about to serve to Ravichandran,he stopped)

Ravichandran:Sujatha,you serve

(Aditi becomes sad and teary,but she controlled, vikram can't see her tears,after breakfast)

Vikram:bye aditi


Vikram:I'm sorry

Aditi:for what?

Vikram:for appa,I know you felt sad,I'm sorry

Aditi:it's not like that,he is also my appa,you go to office

(Vikram hugged her,she also hugged him back, later they broke the hug)

Vikram:ok take care,bye

Aditi:take care

(Vikram left to office,aditi went to room,at that time,Sujatha came)

Sujatha:aditi,shall I come in

Aditi:no need of permission,you can come inside ma

Sujatha:what are you doing ma?

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