Coming clean

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Gumball's pov
I push marshall off of me and mentally prepare myself to tell my people about me and marshall and why I had left them on the day of my coronation. As I get off the bed and start walking to the door I start to think. What if they don't accept us? What if they don't want me to be their king?! What if they ask someone else to be their king!! Okay Gumball calm down. you've built this kingdom from the ground up ever since your parents died. They wouldn't throw you out if your gay right? They have more humanity then that right? Oh who am I kidding they are globbing made of candy!! How can they have humanity if they aren't even human! I'm not even fully human! Marshall senses my uneasiness as I decide whether or not to turn the knob that will lead to either lead to my destiny or my doom. He hugs me from behind and says "Don't worry baby I am right here. They won't hurt you while I'm here." That's when I lost. I let go of the door knob and turn around slowly sliding down the door. Tears ready to fall at any moment in my eyes. "Gumball what's wrong?" Asks a concerned Marshall, he sits next to me as he talks. "Is there a reason your scared of telling them? Are you afraid of them finding out that you've been with marshall lee abneer? The sexy vampire king of the nightosphere?" i giggle at the "sexy" part but it still didn't help. "Marshall I just don't want them to hurt you... I don't want them to put you away and... kill you for being well the sexy vampire king... I've lost to much in my life marsh, I can't lose you too. My parents were killed and I can't have you be killed too." I say, struggling not to cry. " Bubba look at me." I look into his eyes and see love and tears that seem ready to fall too. "I've lost a lot too. Si- I mean ice queen hambo... living thousands of years comes with thousands of years of baggage." "i think am ready now marsh." "you sure gummie?" I laugh at his nickname. "yes." he gives me a quick kiss on the lips and opens the door for me.
Hehehhe I bet you think this is the end but nope hehehehhehehehehehhe-bubblegum (cassi)
I open the door and start to walk out of the bedroom into the hall and down the stairs. you can do this gumball! I tell myself as I open the door that leads to where my servants are. "My king! where have you been!? We've been worried sick!" pepper says as she runs towards me embracing me. "I am sorry to have worried any of you I just... I had to get away and get back what's mine." I say look up to were marshall was probably hearing this conversation through the roof ( Gumball left him in his room sorry had to clarify XD). "I would like to announce that I am back him safe and sound to my people. "I tell pepper. "yes my king." she replies. As she gathers everyone to come inside ,which takes about an hour to do, I finally settle everyone down. " My citizens I would like to apologize for my absence... I was trying to find my way and I have found it...i would like to announce something and before I say what it is please have an open mind and let me finish before you give any responses." I receive many confused looks and a few nods of agreement from my people. " Let me be as up front as possible I am gay. I have also found someone that I want to be with for the rest of my life with. Marshal you can now come out now." Suddenly Marshall appears from being invisible. he flouts towards me and I grab his hand and lace it into mine. " Before anyone says anything I want to say that me and marshall are engaged to be married and we hope you accept us." I look around the crowd and very slowly we hear one clap then two the the whole room is filled with claps. That's when I knew everything would be all right.
Hope you guys like this extra long chapter!!! - Cassi💘

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