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Gumball'a pov
Even though pepper was trying to keep me busy with bills, meetings, and balls that I had to attend, I still thought of Marshall. Being that he was my first love and all. I would sometimes wait at night to see if we would have our midnight chats like we once did, but he never came, I knew why of course. Stupid Ashley! Of all the witches and warlocks there were pepper chose Ashley and as she enchanted my castle she looked up to my tower and smirked, knowing very well I was watching her. Pepper ordered that any candy people that wanted to leave the land of AAA had to take an id card. Everyone was given one, expect me. I am not allowed to leave. During this time I was only allowed to see Fionna, being that she had been knighted and was protecting all kingdoms, she would always stop by and talk. It wasn't until Pepper found out I was taking to Marshall some how that Fionna started to bust less and less. I never grew depressed, knowing that in time I would see my beloved. It took years for me to come up with a plan that had just a little bit of a chance of working. I decided to use it on my 21st birthday, the day I would become king. I know you become king at 18 but Pepper said I was to young to rule my kingdom without help and held it off for my 21st. As I got my bags packed I could hear the party that was set for me, the music, the people, and pepper telling me to hurry up. I pulled on my pink hoodie and used a rope I had found in the garden shed. I dropped the rope, holding on to the end and dropped the other end off my balcony. Knowing no one would see me go down I tie a knot on the balcony and start to go down. I Make it to the bottom with my plan in action. Holding the id I stole years before I look back at my kingdom. Was I ready to leave them? All I left was a note on my pillow of my resignation of prince. they would be devastated when they found out, but I couldn't take the hateful stares they gave me. I had dyed my hair red before coming to the gate which would lead me to my freedom. I had put on a striped red and white beanie, which again I stole I tanned myself to look redder, pink contacts and combed out my swirl. I hugged my bag strap tighter as I walked to the guard to give him my id. He gives me a quick look and let's allows me to leave. Well that was easier then I thought I tell myself. Now I realized this is as far as I thought my plan out. I didn't remember where Marshall lived. I didn't know this area. I was so used to Marshall just flying me everywhere that I didn't know where to go. I start walking down a trial not knowing where it lead.

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