Gumball's pov
"I...i had to she wanted me but I wanted you and please don't be mad at me." I tell him covering my face with my arms. He takes a deep breath and says
"who else did you tell?"
"No one" I replied.
"why did you trust her? Can't you see she'll use this against you?!" I started to feel real bad as I slowly realized all the consequences of my actions.
"oh shit your right! Am such an idiot." I yell. marshall gets up and starts waking towards his bedroom.
"look im not angry, just a little pissed that you didn't tell me sooner. No wonder you wanted to do this." He walked into his bedroom leaving me on the couch. Alone, I'd never really felt this feeling before. I guess there's a first time for everything. I noticed that I hadn't checked my phone in quite awhile, so I looked to see 200 phone calls from pepper and 1000 texts messages from her too. asking where I was l, was I hurt, to come home and the more I read the more I realized I needed to get home. But if I went home i knew pepper would never let me out of the castle walls again. what am I supposed to do?

Marshall lee x Prince Gumball
FanfictionHere's just a cute (and sexy ;) ) story of Marshy and bubba! We are working on the details and trying to escalate a cute relationship. Please support us.