Getting to know Marshall

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Gumball's pov
As I entered Marshall's house I noticed he came up with an even worse nickname "your majesty" great. He went to his couch and decided to string his guitar. When he started to play I thought it would be horrible but it seemed as if he knew what he was doing and he played the most beautiful song ever. He seemed very in to it to the point where he closed his eyes and played. I blushed so hard. I think I may have drooled just a bit. As I daydreamed about him shirtless and playing the guitar i suddenly heard a low moan. Like a hurt animal. I look around to see a crying marshall. "What's wrong?" I ask he wipes his tears and replies. "Its just... I used to play this song to my ex girlfriend." "oh,... i didn't know you dated well... I should've because your so hand...i mean ... um... what happened to you guys?"
"This is going to sound like im a sissy but...she sold a doll I was given by someone I cared for.... and used to buy magic.. I broke up with her and here we are..."
"Oh I'll just leave you alone and...cry out your feelings."
he didn't seem to object so I walked outside and waited. I wonder what it's like to feel that way. I turn towards his window to see him covering his eyes. "oh shit." I tell myself
"I am feeling that way."

Marshall lee x Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now