Gumball's pov
I couldn't believe the demon Marshall turned into, just to protect us. After Ashley left I came back to Marshall's side to thank him before giving him a peck on the check. School went by fast when, suddenly it was the last period. It was the only class I didn't have with Marshall. I had a test that day, speeding through it, as always, when I get called to the principal's office. I finish up my test give it to the teacher and got an A, like always, and rushed to the office. when I opened the door I see Pepper sitting down in front of the principals desk.
"Pepper? What are you doing here?" "Here to take you home prince." she replies
"Why?" My voice turned raspy as if I were about to cry.
"You've been neglecting your duties' as Prince. You are not coming back here again."
I felt as if my world was crumbling down at this point.
"Pepper we can't leave!!"
"I am truly sorry prince this is how it's got to be." I knew I couldn't run very far without pepper calling the guards .
I ran and texted Marshall but the guards managed to catch up to take me back with pepper.

Marshall lee x Prince Gumball
FanfictionHere's just a cute (and sexy ;) ) story of Marshy and bubba! We are working on the details and trying to escalate a cute relationship. Please support us.