Gumball's pov
As I sat down I immediately wanted to go home. I was not only wanting to cringe at the thought having to sit next to this boy but he just put up his shoes in my desk knocking my books once again to the floor. Class consisted of having paper flicked at me, him pulling my chair so I would fall over and him being overall annoying. And guess what? I had him in almost all my classes! Am thankful to glob that am good at math and he's not so I wouldn't have to put up with him all day. As I was waiting for my limo to come and get me that kid who's name I still don't remember trips me making me fall on some bird crap. Great I told myself a whole year of crap.

Marshall lee x Prince Gumball
FanfictionHere's just a cute (and sexy ;) ) story of Marshy and bubba! We are working on the details and trying to escalate a cute relationship. Please support us.