Gumball's pov
I wake up and automatically felt pain all over my lower body. Suddenly last nights events come flooding back into my head. I blush as I remember what had happened last night. I look to my left to see Marshall isn't there. "marsh?" I say. "In the kitchen babe!" He yells. I blush once agin at the word "babe". I start to get up and then realize that it was a bad idea. I didn't realize how hard Marshall had gone on me last night! I decide to stay in bed and notice that im still naked. As I realize this Marshall wakes in fully clothed. "good morning sleeping beauty." he says in a singful voice. "I have made pancakes! Strawberry like you like them!" He says. "marsh... can you help me get changed and carry me downstairs. my bottom hurts." I say, blushing at every word that comes outta my mouth. "as you say my dear prince." he says with a smirk as He gets me dressed.

Marshall lee x Prince Gumball
FanfictionHere's just a cute (and sexy ;) ) story of Marshy and bubba! We are working on the details and trying to escalate a cute relationship. Please support us.