Gumball's pov
After yesterday's events *winks* we both were too tired to do anything but sleep. After sleeping most of the day off, I felt like none of this was real, Like this is some sick dream of mine, but I looked to my left side to see a snoring Marshall and I know it's real. I wanted to cuddle with him but he was out, so I got out of bed to bake. Lots of people call baking unmanly but I find it pleasant. I use baking to go over events in my mind. No matter how hard I tried, my mind always went to how I left the candy kingdom. I felt guilty leaving but I was a prisoner in my own kingdom, so I let my mind wander to last nights events, blushing as I thought of each movement that we made. It wasn't until Marshall awoke that I found it odd that he had a bunch of baking supplies.
"I didn't know you baked." I tell him while I was taking a pie I was making out the oven.
"I don't my mom does, the funny thing is she hasn't cooked in hundreds of years, yet she always goes grocery shopping to get more baking supplies." He tells me as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind.
"Tell me more about your mom." I ask him. Both my parents died when I was very young.
"hey is it hot in here or is it just me.?"
he says, trying to change the subject. I didn't want to upset him so I talked about the kingdom and how I had already graduated high school early at only 16. He told me about how he hated school with or without me and was glad he dropped out. I was trying to convince him about letting me teach him when he cut me off and said
"oh I forgot to show you something you might like gummy." he says taking my hand, leading me to, again, a humongous red door. Opening it there was stacks on stacks of books lined up covering all four walls. Marshall knew how much I liked to learn. I stared in amazement and hugged him, for I was to tired to give him much else.

Marshall lee x Prince Gumball
FanfictionHere's just a cute (and sexy ;) ) story of Marshy and bubba! We are working on the details and trying to escalate a cute relationship. Please support us.