Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The Blue Moon pack had its own gated community near the edge of the city. As far as humans knew, it was just a privately owned area for the rich people in the area. That's what Mara believed before she met Lidia. It was about a ten minute drive from the city.

The pack house was basically a mansion. Mara had no idea how many rooms it had, but she thought it was beautiful and swore it could almost house all the pack members. However, the Alpha happily gave all Weres the option to have their own private homes, so long as it was on pack territory.

As soon as Lidia and Mara exited Lidia's car and entered the house, they were met with smiles.

"Mara! Good to see you again!"

Mara waved at max, a tall were with brown hair and eyes. He was a warrior of the pack and a male that Lidia tried to pair him off to. Sadly, she was not his mate. He found her about a month after they had met.

Mara happily greeted the Weres as she passed down the halls. As they entered the large sitting room, there were more smiles as she saw the faces of Lidia's parents and brother.

"Mara! How wonderful to see you!"

Lidia's mother, Bella, had kind blue eyes and had her blonde hair in a bun on top of her head. She quickly rose and gave Mara a large hug. She happily returned the hug.

"It's great to see you again Mom."

Upon hearing about Mara's parents tragic death, both of Lidia's parent's insisted she call them mom and dad. Mara was beyond happy and honored that they loved her in such a way.

After they broke away, it was the Alpha's turn.

"Mara, we don't see you nearly often enough."

Alpha Torin was a strong and fierce leader. He was strict but fair with his pack. He didn't look a day over forty but Lidia explained that Weres in general had a very long lifespan. Torin was well over a hundred years old, but Mara never dared to ask exactly how old he was.

They both hugged each other and they were all left with smiles.

"Hey Mara. Nice to see you again!"

Zach didn't get up off the couch but gave a polite wave to Mara. She wasn't offended when he didn't rise and hug her. She saw him much more often than his parents.

"Hey Zach! I heard you all are having company this weekend so I came over early to help Lidia with her room."

There was a sudden cold spell in the room. The Alpha and Luna had sour expressions while Zach snorted.

"Yeah, you could say that. That's what we were all talking about. We're going to start getting rooms ready for them tonight."

Mara was about to speak when Lidia suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Were just going to head to my room. We won't finish today, but as soon as the Lycans are gone, we will finish it. Mara won't be here at all until they are done, I promise!"

They all nodded.

"Sorry to hide you away like this Mara. In any other circumstance, you would be welcome here," Torin said with a sad smile.

"No, I understand!" Mara said quickly. "Really, there's no hard feelings. I'll help Lidia tonight and come back later to finish painting."

Bella gave a sarcastic smirk to Lidia. "This wouldn't be an issue if you would just let me hire a professional to paint the damn room. Really, it would be so much easier that way."

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