Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Sleep did not come easy to Fenrir. Every time Mara moved, he immediately sat up to see if she was awake. But all she did was shift her arms or legs slightly, groaning in discomfort. Several times he considered calling Ruth, but Mara was still breathing easily and seemed to fall back into a peaceful sleep.

By six am, Fenrir decided it was safe for him to slip out of bed and take a quick shower. When he returned to his room, Mara was still peacefully sleeping. His stomach loudly growled, demanding food.

"Need to get something quick so we can be back before mate wakes up," Ragnar grumbled, also starving.

Fenrir quickly grabbed a plain black shirt and slipped out of the room, locking the door behind him. He trusted his pack, but with his father in the house, he wanted to take no risks with Mara's safety. The old Lycan hated humans more than anyone else in this pack. Fenrir had no doubt that he could very well try to hurt or even kill Mara.

Once the door was secure and the key in his pocket, Fenrir quickly made his way to the kitchen and ransacked the fridge. He chugged two bottles of water and swiftly ate three ham sandwiches. Just as he took his final bite, Adam entered the kitchen.

"Looks like you had the same idea I had, Fen," Adam chuckled, walking to the fridge. "Is our Luna alright?"

Fenrir nodded as Adam joined him at the table with a bottle of water. "She'll be ok with some time and rest. As soon as she wakes up, I'll take her to the clinic and get x-rays done but Ruth doesn't think she has any broken bones."

Adam released a breath. "Fen, I'm so sorry she got hurt. We should have protected her better. Those rogues should never have-"

"Don't," Fenrir snapped, shaking his head. "It's my fault. I'm your Alpha and King and she is my mate. I failed more than anyone else in this matter. Once Mara is stable and secure, I will begin to interrogate the rogues. But first, we need to deal with my father. The rogues can sit and squirm around in the cells for a few days. Maybe that will inspire them to open their mouths a lot faster."

Adam nodded. "When do you want to address the elders? You know as soon as they wake up, they will be hounding you for an audience."

Fenrir winced and looked at the clock on the wall. "About what time do they wake up?"

Adam shrugged. "No clue, but I don't recall seeing them until later in the afternoons. Old bastards like to sleep in. Which is funny, as they lecture the pups about always being up early to train and shit."

An evil grin spread across Fenrir's face. "Adam, go wake up Garret. Then meet me outside of my room in fifteen minutes. Tell him to bring a chair."

Adam raised a brow as Fenrir stood. "A chair?"

"Yup. I need to get dressed. Meet me there in fifteen minutes."

Without another word, Fenrir quickly made his way back to his room. Upon entry, Mara was still peacefully sleeping and breathing steadily. As quietly as possible, Fenrir dressed himself in black slacks and a black shirt. Black was always his go to color for most of his wardrobe. Normally, an Alpha would dress formally when addressing the elders. However, that would imply he had respect for them. Now, he felt nothing for them. Only annoyed at their outdated ways and thinking.

Before he left the room, Fenrir couldn't resist giving Mara a small kiss on her forehead. He could have sworn he saw a small smile on her face but that could have been wishful thinking. He slipped back out of the room but left it unlocked this time.

He turned in time to see Adam and a sleepy Garret dragging a chair with him.

"All good Alpha?" Garret asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Garret, Adam and I need to address the elders and my father. I need you to sit outside and guard Mara. Make sure no one but myself or Adam enters the room. If Mara wakes up and comes out of the room, ask her to wait here until I get back. I'll have Ruth come back with me to check her over."

Garret nodded and placed his chair against the wall across from the bedroom door. "You got it! No one's getting through me!"

He flopped down into the chair just as Fenrir and Adam made their way to the council room.

"Adam, I'll give you the pleasure of calling them. As soon as they are all awake, meet back up with me in the council room. Wake my father up last. I hope he's the last one to enter the room."

Adam had a sadistic smile on his face. "I'll make sure of it. I'll wait about ten minutes before waking him up."

Fenrir's grin spread over his face as he entered the council room and took his seat at the head of the table. He knew that if he entered the council room with the elders yesterday, he would have seen his father sitting at the head of the table. Had Fenrir given into their demand for a meeting, he would have enjoyed putting his father in his place and making him move. But seeing his father come in late to a council meeting and seeing him at the head of the table would hopefully be just as satisfying.

Fifteen minutes later, Adam entered the room with a large grin on his face.

"All awake and on their way. Man, you should have heard their whining. They sounded like a bunch of pups being woken up for training."

Fenrir chuckled. "And my father?"

"Saved him for last, as promised. It rang twice before he finally answered. He bitched worse than the elders did."

The grin stayed on their faces as Adam took the seat to Fenrir's right. In the old days, only the Alpha and elders entered the council room but Fenrir immediately brought Adam with him as soon as he took over, believing that it was important to have his Beta with him in such important meetings. It was also much faster than updating him verbally when the meetings were over.

It was about ten minutes before the elders finally began entering the room. The six old Lycans took their seats, openly glaring at Adam and Fenrir.

"Alpha Fenrir, it's a bit early for a meeting," Elder Jareth scoffed.

"Yeah, and last night was too late for a meeting. But I'm the one calling the shots here. So sit down and shut up."

The Lycan grumbled and sat back in his seat. As soon as everyone was in their seats, Fenrir's eyes scanned the room.

"Let's get this shit over with."

"Alpha, we should wait for your father. He will want to be here," Elder Landon said.

"Last I checked, everyone who is involved in our meeting is already here. I will allow my father to join as a courtesy, but nothing more than that. It's his own fault he's late."

The elders cast looks at each other, clearly aggravated. Fenrir sat straight in his seat, ready to begin speaking.

"I called you here to address one thing. The matter regarding how my mate is to be treated. She is-"

His words were interrupted when the doors to the room slammed open. Everyone but Fenrir and Adam jumped in surprise. Both knew the old Lycan would make an angry entrance.

Fenrir's father, Ryker Blooddriver, was just a couple inches shorter than his son. His black hair was streaked with gray and his dark blue eyes glared at his son.

Fenrir gave him a cocky smile. "Welcome father. Won't you join us? You're running a bit late but fortunately for you, we haven't quite gotten started yet."

The man stormed forward and took the seat across from his son. The former Alpha and his son glared at each other, challenging each other in a deadly gaze.

Fenrir was going to greatly enjoy putting the old Lycan in his place. 

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