Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Fenrir scribbled away at his desk, trying to hurry and finish his paperwork. Being gone from his pack for so long meant there was a lot of paperwork Fenrir needed to catch up on. He was thankful that Adam was going to help but he was currently on the training field, overseeing the training of the pups who have come of age to learn to fight.

His eyes kept jumping back and forth from his paperwork to the clock on the wall. Adam would be there to relieve him of paperwork at noon so that he could spend most of the day with Mara. But time seemed to be dragging on. He tried not to glance at the clock but his eyes would dart to it almost every fifteen minutes.

"This is bullshit! We can do this later! I want to be with our mate!" Ragnar growled.

"We were the Alpha and King of our pack! We need to at least get most of this done!"

Ragnar growled and Fenrir felt him continue to sulk and pace. Several more hours passed of paperwork that was making Fenrir's eyes sore. His wrist ached from the numerous invoices and permits he needed to sign. The pack was in desperate need of renovations on some of the old buildings. But, of course, almost all of them needed his signature. Adam would be able to approve smaller requests and invoices, but the majority of them fell upon his shoulders.

Finally, at eleven o'clock, Ragnar roared in his head.

"Enough of this! We can do this later when Mara goes to bed! Fuck this shit, let's go be with our mate!"

Fenrir couldn't agree more. He finished signing the papers in front of him and quickly left the room. He replayed his plans for the day over and over in his head. First, he would show Mara around his pack. He hoped she would see the beauty of his land and pack members. There was no doubt in his mind that his pack would come to love her. Then, he wanted to have a proper date with her. A date with no interruptions and a night to truly show he wanted to really get to know her.

In less than a minute, Fenrir was standing in front of Mara's bedroom door and gently knocked. He heard shuffling inside and a moment later, Mara opened the door with a small smile on her face.

"You ready for a good day, baby girl?"

Mara raised her brows in surprise. "I thought you said you wouldn't be free until noon?"

He shrugged. "I can finish my paperwork later tonight. I want every second I can get with you."

Mara blushed and smiled. He couldn't help but think she was adorable when her face turned red when he complimented her.

"Ok. I just need to change."

It was then that he noticed she was still in her pajamas.

"I swear, when she finally moves into our room, we are destroying every pair of pajamas she has!"

Fenrir couldn't agree more. He wanted to feel her skin against his when she slept next to him. But he was willing to make an exception when it came to lingerie. Maybe a silk nightgown.

"Alright baby girl. Will you need help changing? I can call Ruth, if you need it."

She shook her head. "I'm fine. I can walk and move on my own now. It's just the stitches that itch a bit but I'm ok."

He nodded. "I'll wait right out here."

She gave him a final smile before gently closing the door. He heard more shuffling around and drawers opening and closing. It was about ten more minutes before Mara opened the door and Fenrir smiled again at the sight of her. Mara was wearing a simple pair of baggy jeans and a green sweater that complimented her eyes.

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