Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Fenrir had gotten no sleep that night. He and Adam sat in the Alpha's office along with Torin, Bella, Zach, and a young blonde woman who was introduced as their daughter Lidia, the next in line for Beta. Ragnar growled at the sight of her.

"She took Mara away from us. She knows where she is! We need to make her tell us where she is!"

Fenrir clenched his fists and tried to ignore him. His lycan was right but at the moment, he had to force himself to work on the alliance.

"Lycan King Fenrir, are you ready to begin?" Torin asked from behind his desk.

Fenrir's eyes quickly ran over everyone in the room.

"As ready as I will ever be."

Torin nodded. "As are we. The first thing I must address was how you acted when you found a human on our territory. Our first stipulation is that you must never harm a single human in our territory. As I tried to say last night, Mara is practically a member of our family. I have even extended an invitation to her to fully join our pack. I don't care if she is a human. She is as welcome here as any other pack member is. If this alliance is to happen, you must accept that."

Adam couldn't stop the smirk on his face and Fenrir smiled.

"That is no issue at all."

The family gave each other confused looks. They were clearly surprised.

"Is that so?" Torin said. "I heard that lycans adamantly hated humans."

"Oh we do... But perhaps I have a soft spot for this one."

Bella gasped while Zach and Lidia looked infuriated.

"She is not a plaything!" Lidia snapped. "You will not touch her!"

Fenrir growled. "I will touch her whenever I want! She is my mate!"

The family openly gasped and Adam had a full smile on his face.

"You all said it yourselves, she was practically a member of your pack. Past alliances have happened due to mates coming together. Why does this have to be different?" Adam innocently asked.

"No! That's not how this works!" Zach growled. "Maya has nothing to do with this! At the end of it all, she is not a were and is not part of this pack! You will leave her out of all of this!"

Adam and Fenrir looked at each other and shared an evil grin.

"You heard him. She isn't a part of this pack. She does not live on pack lands." Fenrir mind-linked Adam. Adam fought back a laugh and they both faced the family.

"Very well. Let's move forward. Let's forget her and speak of pack business." Fenrir swiftly slipped two packets of paper out of his jacket pocket.

"This is the basic alliance agreement that the other packs signed. We may negotiate and adjust it so we are both happy. Naturally, each pack had their own stipulations to add. But at the end of it all, it's a peace agreement between your pack and mine. And an agreement that when danger comes, you will stand with us when the time comes."

Torin's eyes scanned the paper before he handed the agreement to Zach.

"You seem confident that a threat is coming."

"I am. You may choose to believe this or not, but the Moon Goddess has been the one to warn me. She comes to me, telling me it is time for us to come together and be ready for a threat that will put us all in danger. Both werewolves and lycans need to be ready to fight together."

Torin was silent for several minutes. Fenrir paid no mind to the others in the room. He knew that at the end of this, he only needed Torin's signature to complete the alliance.

"Even if you don't believe there is danger coming, don't you want to see peace between us all? The Moon Goddess has suffered for so long, seeing her children fight amongst each other. It's bad enough that we have roughs. It's time for the history of lycans and werewolves to be peaceful, not full of violence and hate."

Fenrir smirked. Adam always had a way with words. He had no doubt that when he found his mate, Adam would have plenty of pretty words for her.

The family was silent, seeming to contemplate their options.

"I have to agree, the history between weres and lycans needs to change. This alliance proposal is well written. However, I have one stipulation to add to the alliance."

Fenrir raised a brow and waited for him to continue.

"You and the other lycans will not harm any humans. Not on my pack lands, nor in the city next to it."

"You have nothing to fear from that. We may not be fond of humans, but we certainly don't hunt them for sport by any means. We avoid them whenever we can."

"And you will stay away from Mara," Zach added quickly.

Fenrir immediately felt rage overtake him and Ragnar rose to the surface.

"You will not keep me away from my mate! She is mine! She will be my queen and luna!"

"She is human!" Lidia snapped. "A fragile human who has been through enough in her life! If you have any compassion, you will reject her and move on and find a lycan mate!"

"ENOUGH!" Torin snapped.

Everyone in the room was surprised at Torin's sudden outburst. The Alpha took several deep breaths and composed himself.

"We cannot deny ANYONE the chance at finding their mate." Torin raised his hand before his children began yelling again. The silent command stopped them from speaking. Torin then turned his attention to Fenrir.

"However, you cannot force her to do anything she does not want to do. You cannot force your mark on her. You cannot force her to accept you. Add that to the alliance contract, and I will sign."

Fenrir was silent for several moments. Ragnar chuckled in his head.

"The old man said nothing about taking her home with us. We find her, take her home, and get her to open up to us there. She will wear our mark in no time at all."

Fenrir smirked at the thought.

"Fine. However, I was your signature as well as your sons. He is the next in line and he needs to respect the alliance when he takes over."

Torin nodded. "Agreed"

Zach had a sour expression on his face while his father signed both documents. Lidia looked infuriated but said nothing. Torin slid the papers in front of Zach when his signature was complete. The young were was hesitant, but signed next to his father's name. Fenrir swiftly signed the papers and breathed a sigh of relief. He had done it. He completed the quest the Moon Goddess gave to him. Now it was time for his reward.

"My warriors and I will take our leave now. We will count on you to help when the time comes."

Fenrir placed one copy of the contract back in his pocket and stood.

"My best to you and your pack, Alpha Torin. Good day to you and your family."

Fenrir exited the room with Adam following. As soon as the doors closed behind them, he could hear the sounds of Zach and Lidia begin to yell and whine to their father, no doubt angry about his refusal to try and deny Fenrir his mate.

"What is our next move Fen?" Adam asked.

"We make arrangements to stay in a hotel in the human city. It's time to find my mate."

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