Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

There were several moments of silence as Fenrir and his father glared at each other before Fenrir spoke again.

"As I was saying before my father interrupted me," He said with a smirk as his father growled in aggravation. "I have summoned you all here to discuss the matter of my mate and how she is to be treated. There are no negotiations in this. No arguing. What I say is how things are going to be."

"With respect, Alpha, " Elder Landon said, raising his hand. "Your mate is human. Humans have no right or business in our world!"

"You say that, yet she is the mate the Moon Goddess has destined me with. Are you saying our Goddess, who is a fucking deity, made a mistake?"

Elder Landon lowered his head while a rumble of aggravation filled the room.

"Alpha, I'm sure even the Moon Goddess makes mistakes," Elder Jareth grumbled. "A Luna is the second most important position next to an Alpha in any pack. You need a strong Lycan Luna for strength! She is-"

"I swear to the fucking Goddess that if you call her weak again, I will rip out your heart and eat it while everyone watches!"

His words echoed through the room, making the elders shudder. His Alpha voice had kicked in just before he finished speaking. Fenrir took several deep breaths before he sat straight and addressed them all again.

"As I have already said, there will be no negotiations. No arguments on the matter. Mara is your Luna and Queen. She will be treated with respect and obeyed as any Luna should be. She is my equal in every way. We will begin preparing for her Luna ceremony as soon as she is ready to step into the role."

"You disgust me."

All eyes in the room snapped over to look at Ryker, who was glaring at his son. Looks of disgust, rage and disappointment painted his expression.

"You are a disgrace to your position and title. It was bad enough that you turned your back on the old ways that kept the Lycans in power, but now you disgrace this pack by bringing a human whore here to be your Luna!"

Fenrir snarled and stood. "Remember your place, old man! You are not Alpha here! I am! Do not disrespect my mate again! And you of all people have no right to call anyone a whore! You fucked almost every unmated female in our pack in some sorry attempt to have more pups! And look what it led to! No more heirs for you and you killed your mate!"

Ryker stood, pounding his fists into the table. "Your mother was weak and couldn't understand that I needed more heirs! And if you think I'm cruel, you will subject your mate to more pain than I ever subjected your mother to! Tell me, is she aware of how Lycan's finish bonding with their mates? The mating process in your human AND Lycan form?"

In the back of his mind, Ragnar snarled. It was an issue Fenrir would not ignore. Mara had no Lycan or Werewolf form for Ragnar to mate with. It was a situation that he needed to address at some point. Part of him just wanted to push the issue away until he had won Mara's heart and marked her.

Ryker gave his son a sadistic smile. "I was always aware of your sexual appetites. Perhaps the idea of mating with a human in your Lycan form will help you get off!"

Fenrir snarled and felt his body begin to shift when Adam placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Fen, I'm sure the FORMER Alpha is not trying to provoke you into casting him out of the pack and become a rogue. That would really be the stupidest thing he could do, seeing as almost all our pack members hate him and would love the chance to hunt him down."

Fenrir was breathing heavily and was able to contain himself in his human form. After several deep breaths, Fenrir stood tall.

"You better listen well, old man... that human you are referring to is my mate, your future Queen and Luna. You WILL show her respect or I will claw your face and banish you from the pack you claim to love so much and watch as every member of the pack hunts you down and tears you apart!"

His Alpha tone filled the room, making the elders shudder. Ryker stiffened at his words, having no choice but to listen to the words of the Lycan King across from him. The former King growled but slowly sat back down.

Fenrir's eyes glanced at every elder, ready to be done with the meeting. Ragnar was raging and wanted to either kill the old men in the room or get back to Mara quickly.

"I've had enough of this and all of you. Mara is my mate. The Moon Goddess gave her to me for a reason. I will not now or EVER reject her! She is mine! And as long as she is my mate, you will all treat her with the respect she deserves or you can all fuck off and become rogues!"

There was silence in the room as the elders and Ryker glared at Fenrir. Adam sat next to his Alpha with a wide smile on his face.

"There is nothing else to discuss. You are all dismissed," Fenrir growled, sitting down and leaning back in his seat.

Fenrir and Adam watched the elders slowly stand and make their way out of the room. Ryker was the last to leave the room, slamming it on his way out. As soon as the room was clear, Fenrir and Adam both released a breath and visibly relaxed in their chairs.

"Well, that went well," Adam said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Fenrir growled. "Now let's see if they listen. The moment any of those old bastards step out of line, I want to make an example out of them. Especially my father. One step and they will be dragged in front of the pack, marked and banished. I'm trying to be better than my father. But the treatment of my mate is where I draw the line."

Adam nodded. "Understood. You're already twice the Lycan he is, Fen. And everyone in the pack knows it."

Fenrir was silent for a few more moments before he stood.

"Start spreading the word around. I want the entire pack to meet at the training grounds at five this evening."

Adam raised a brow as they began making their way to the door. "Are you making an official announcement about your mate?"

"Yup. I want them all to hear it directly from me and make the point clear to everyone. Mara is the future Queen and Luna. And anyone who fucks with her and makes her want to leave will suffer greatly!"

Adam smiled. "Got it. I'll spread the word immediately."

They both parted ways and Fenrir quickly made his way back to his room. He would call Ruth to come and examine Mara to make sure she was healing alright. But once she was done, he needed alone time with her before the pack meeting tonight.

Ragnar grumbled in the back of his mind. "So are we just going to keep ignoring the lingering issue of completing the mating bond?"

Fenrir stopped walking and sighed. "Can you make the sacrifice? You won't ever be able to physically mate with her. Possibly mark her but you cannot mark or take her against her will, Ragnar. I will reject her before subjecting her to that."

He felt a flash of rage from Ragnar but there was immediate understanding. In no way did his Lycan want to hurt their mate.

"There... There is another way that could work. Another way we can complete the bond."


"Your human form. You could let me take over to complete the process. I can mate and mark her in your body. That should be enough!"

Fenrir sighed. "Maybe. But until we earn the right to mark her one way or another, it's a moot point. We will discuss this with her when the time comes, Ragnar. IF the time comes."

Ragnar growled in annoyance but Fenrir ignored him. He was desperate to get back to his room and hold Mara in his arms. 

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