Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Mara sat on Lidia's bed with her knees pulled up to her chest, crying as Lidia gently rubbed her back to comfort her.

"I was so stupid to give him a chance. I thought he would be different. But he's just as controlling as Jason."

Lidia sighed. "I'm so sorry, Mara. But please don't compare him to Jason. He definitely went too far, but he's not an abusive asshole like Jason was."

Mara wiped her eyes and glared at her friend. "You heard him! He was acting just like Jason! Making decisions for me and making demands. He never once talked to me about going with him! He could have spoken to me at any time on the way here but he said he would drag me out of here! He was just as bad as Jason!"

More tears poured out of her eyes as she lowered her eyes to the floor.

"I gave myself to him. I felt loved and cared about for the first time by a man I thought cared for me. But I was wrong. All he sees is the mate bond. He doesn't care that I'm human and need time. I was so wrong about him."

Lidia continued rubbing her back for a few minutes before a knock at the door startled both women.

Cautiously, Lidia made her way to the door. "Who is it?" She asked near the door.

"It's me. Let me in."

Lidia and Mara instantly recognized the voice and Lidia quickly let Zach enter her room. The Were didn't even bother to look at his sister and made his way to Mara.

"Are you ok?"

She nodded and wiped her face again. "Where is he now?"

Zach rolled his eyes. "We got them settled into their rooms. He hasn't said a word since you left and he hasn't left his room. Father has made it clear that they are only welcome for one night. But I need you to know Mara, if you choose to stay, we will support you. My father is ready to defend you and fight for you to stay."

Mara nodded and smiled at him. "Thank you. It means a lot for you to say that."

He smiled in return. "Not a problem. You will always be family to us. If you aren't comfortable leaving the room, I'll get someone to bring you dinner."

"I was planning on going down for some snacks, " Lidia interjected. "Mara can sleep with me in here tonight."

Zach nodded and gave Mara one last smile. "Get some rest. Whatever you decide, we will support you."

He left the room, gently closing the door. Lidia took a deep breath and smiled at her friend.

"So what are you thinking? I was thinking pizza rolls and a shit ton of chocolate!"

Mara laughed. "Sounds good to me!"

Lidia gave her a thumbs. "I'll be back in a few! Pick a movie and we'll have a good old fashioned movie night!"

Mara's smile lasted until Lidia left the room. She sighed and looked to the floor.

"I'm such a crybaby. I can't keep crying at every little thing. I can't believe how bad Jason messed with me."

It was true. Mara had always been shy and quiet, but never such a pushover. Being with Jason seemed to warp her persona and made her more sensitive.

She clenched her fists and glared at the floor.

"I'm not going to cry anymore. Not about this crap. I'm not going to let anyone else get to me! I won't let what Jason did to me change me and I'm not going to let Fenrir control me! I'm not going anywhere unless I want to!"

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