Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Mara worked as the thoughts of the last 2 days ran through her mind. Every once in a while, Jeremy would bark orders at her and bring her back to reality. But soon enough, her mind would drift back to Fenrir and the two nights they spent together.

She smiled at the image of him. Other than Lidia and her family, no one else had ever shown such kindness and adoration for her. The idea of being his mate was becoming very appealing to her.

Yeah, I need to give him a fair chance. I won't let him mark me until I'm ready for it, but a normal relationship to start would be nice.

Just as she was placing books on a shelf, a voice brought her out of her thoughts.


She turned to see Lidia staring at her. The young woman looked as if she hadn't slept in days. She had slight bags under her eyes and looked like she had been crying. Mara immediately looked concerned and walked over to her. For a moment, she had completely forgotten about how Lidia had led Fenrir to her.

"Lidia, are you ok?"

There was silence for a moment before Lidia suddenly wrapped her arms around Mara.

"I'm sorry!" She sobbed into Mara's ear. "I'm sorry, I've been so worried about you! I'm sorry I told him where to find you! He promised to be kind to you and to take his time with you!"

Suddenly, Lidia pulled away and looked into Mara's eyes.

"Has he? Has he been good to you? He hasn't forced you into anything, right?"

Lidia fired question after question, making Mara feel dizzy and confused. After another silence, Mara looked at the clock against the far wall.

"I'm taking my lunch break in about fifteen minutes. We can meet across the street and get some coffee. But yeah, I'm fine. We'll talk more over there."

Lidia nodded and pulled Mara into another hug.

"Ok. I'll see you over there."

After each woman shared a smile, Mara set back to work while Lidia left the store to head for the small coffee shop. Mara quickly finished stocking the books and clocked out for her break. She quickly made her way across the street and entered the coffee shop. Lidia was sitting at their usual corner table.

With a sigh, Mara made her way over to sit with her friend. As soon as Lidia noticed her, she smiled and waited for Mara to sit before speaking.

"Mara, I'm very sorry for telling him where you were. I should have gotten your consent first. But he was hell bent on finding you. If I didn't tell him, then he wouldn't stop looking for you. I literally ran into him on this street. If he hadn't found me first, he would have found you in no time at all!"

Mara silently listened to Lidia speak, taking in every word she said.

"Please tell me you forgive me! Mom, Dad and Zach have all been worried too."

After a small silence, Mara sighed and smiled at Lidia.

"I can't stay mad at you, Lidia. You will always be my friend and sister."

Lidia gave Mara a large smile. "Thank you! So, has he been kind to you? He said he would take his time with you and court you as a human. He promised he wouldn't force his mark on you. Please tell me he has kept that promise."

Mara blushed and had a small smile on her face. "He has been very sweet and kind. I told him I would give him a chance. So far, things have been fine but it's also only been two days."

Lidia looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'm really surprised he let you go to work. Or at least didn't stay with you. As soon as males find their mate, they are protective as hell and usually don't even let them leave their bedroom let alone their house or whatever."

"Well, he was definitely a bit pushy when It comes to being near me. But he is giving me some space while I work. He's going to be picking me up after work though. Probably to walk me home. It's especially nice in case I run into Jason again."

A look of anger suddenly appeared on Lidia's face. "Is he still stalking you?"

Mara cursed herself for even mentioning Jason. "He was, but Fenrir scared him off."

Lidia scoffed. "If my brother didn't do the trick, then Fenrir sure as hell didn't. Something seriously needs to be done about that asshole!"

Mara quickly shook her head. "Don't worry about it! It's over. He's already seeing someone else, ok? I just want to forget about him and move on with my life."

Lidia looked as if she wanted to protest but Mara noticed her eyes suddenly looked at something behind her.

"Hey, you said Fenrir was giving you space, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Mara asked, looking confused.

Lidia smirked. "Well, he's giving you space but his warriors aren't. There's one now."

Mara turned just in time to see a very tall man with blonde hair enter the book shop.

"He's one of Fenrir's men?"

"Yup. I remember seeing him at the pack house. I bet money that Fenrir is having them check up on you."

Mara turned to look at Lidia, looking agitated. "Seriously? Why the hell would he do that! I'm at work! I'm perfectly safe there!"

Lidia chuckled. "I figured he would do something like this. I told you, Weres and Lycans are possessive as hell over their mates. I'm sure it's taking everything he has not to be there himself. I think it's kind of cute that he's making sure you are ok."

Mara grinded her teeth together and clenched her fists in aggravation. "I would have preferred to have him and not men who are strangers to me to look in on me! God, I feel so stupid thinking he would actually give me some space! It's like I'm being stalked all over again!"

Lidia quickly leaned forward and grabbed Mara's hand. "Mara, calm down! He's just worried about you. Trust me when I say this is a Lycans way of giving you space! He isn't stalking you. Please just talk to him about it when you see him. Or give him a little bit of hell over it. It's your right to bitch him out a bit over this."

Mara turned around in time to see the blonde haired man exit the shop, clearly looking panicked. As he quickly made his way down the road, he flipped out his phone. Mara knew he had to be calling Fenrir.

Lidia giggled. "Well, I bet money Fenrir will come to the shop himself now. This will be your chance to catch him in the act, so to speak."

Mara couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, you're right. Either way, I need to get back before Jeremy gives me hell for being on lunch for so long."

The women exited the shop and gave each other a final hug. Mara had a small smile on her face as she went back to work. She couldn't help but wonder when Fenrir would make his appearance.

Another half an hour of work drifted off and Mara had almost forgotten about Fenrir's men when the door to the shop suddenly slammed open. She jumped and heard the sound of heavy footsteps making their way to her in the corner of the shop. Mara turned just in time to see Fenrir, breathing heavy and looking furious.

Mara pushed aside her fear and remembered her anger and frustration of him sending his men to check on her without her consent.

She put an innocent smile on her face. "Fenrir, is something wrong?"

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