Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Mara groaned and her eyes fluttered open. Fenrir's arm was draped across her stomach while his face was still nuzzled into her neck. She couldn't help but smile at the sound of his light snoring. Her eyes scanned the room until she found the clock against the far side of the room. It was only seven in the morning. She had plenty of time to shower and get ready for work.

Very carefully, she lifted Fenrir's arm and gently slid out of the large bed. It was a relief to hear him continue snoring. He must have been in a deep sleep. Mara silently grabbed a clean outfit out of her bag and crept into the bathroom.

As she washed herself, she flinched when she gently washed herself between her legs. She was a bit sore but wasn't going to complain. Last night was by far one of the best nights of her life.

"Thank God I have an IUD," She thought with a giggle.

Mara had no idea what would happen from here, but she was willing to open herself up and give Fenrir a chance. He may be a Lycan, but she had never once felt so loved and protected. He truly cared about her and made sure she enjoyed herself as much as he did last night.

However, there was still the issue of Jason. While she was grateful that he was willing to kill for her, she couldn't let him do it. She just wanted Jason to be appropriately punished for breaking into her apartment. Perhaps it wasn't too late to file a police report. She could try and get a restraining order but it probably wouldn't do any good.

With a sigh, she turned off the water and quickly dried herself off. After getting dressed, she exited the bathroom to see Fenrir standing up from the bed. She turned bright red at the sight of him completely naked.

Upon seeing her, a smile spread across his face. "You should have woken me up. I would have joined you."

Mara blushed and looked to the floor. "Sorry. I needed to shower and get ready for work."

Fenrir made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her. Mara couldn't stop herself from blushing as he pressed her against him.

"You need to call out, baby girl. I don't want you anywhere out there until that bastard is dealt with. Just call your boss and say you're sick."

She took a deep breath and stepped away from him.

"About that... I'm willing to call out of work today but I want you to stop going after him."

Fenrir's face hardened. "Baby girl, we talked about this last night. He needs to pay for what he has done."

"Yes, he does. LEGALLY. I want to go to the police and file a report. I can probably get a restraining order on him. I don't want you doing something that will draw attention to the Lycans or Weres."

He smirked. "So is that what this is about? Our protection?"

"No, it's about doing this the right way. Jason deserves to rot in prison. You can't go after him. Please just come with me to the police station so I can file a report."

Fenrir simply stared at her for several moments. He almost looked as if he was trying to decide how to respond. After a few moments of awkward silence, he sighed.

"I'll get dressed and go with you to the police station."

Mara smiled and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, happy that he understood. Fenrir released her and Mara quickly grabbed her phone to text her boss. Her next shift with Jeremy was going to be a nightmare. If anyone called out, he would nag them about it for a week. For Mara, it would probably be two.

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