Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Mara tried to continue with her day as normal as possible. Jeremy had given her an earful for calling out sick but soon enough, he made his way back to his office and left Mara alone. She and the other cashier, Valerie, were left to run the shop in peace.

It was hard for her to concentrate on her work, especially knowing rouges were running around the city. Not to mention the warriors that were stopping in almost every hour to check on her. Some of them would give her a polite wave while a couple just came in, looked at her, and walked out. They were gone before Mara could say two words to any of them.

Shortly after the last warrior left, Mara made her way to stock the shelves in the far corner of the store. After about fifteen minutes, the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard from behind her. With a kind smile, she turned, ready to greet a customer.

As soon as the figure came into view, she opened her mouth to greet them, but froze as soon as she saw his face.

The man was tall and well built with dirty blonde hair. But what was most startling was his dark red eyes. She instantly knew this was a rogue Werewolf.

"He's not stupid enough to hurt me in front of a bunch of humans. At least, I hope he isn't."

She tried to play dumb and forces a smile on her face.

"Hello. Can I help you?" She asked, trying not to shake in fear.

The Were took several steps forward and Mara tried to step back away from him. Unfortunately, she was trapped between the bookshelves. His large frame prevented her from running past him.

He didn't stop until he was towering over her, causing her to shake and panic. The rogue leaned down until he was inches away from her face.

"Here's what's going to happen. You and I are going to calmly leave this store. If you fight or scream, I will not hesitate to kill your little friends who work here. Got it?"

Mara was too scared to move. She was shaking and was fighting to move.

"W-who are-"

The man must have lost his patience as he grabbed Mara's arm and began dragging her across the store. She knew that if she didn't do something, she was as good as dead. There was no way he would dare kill so many humans in broad daylight. At least, she could only hope that would be the case. It was a hell of a risk, but she had to do something.

Before they could reach the door, Mara suddenly snatched her arm away from the rogue, catching him by surprise.

"GET OFF ME!" Mara screamed.

The rouge growled and aimed to grab her arm again, but she quickly turned and ran towards the register.

"CALL THE POLICE! QUICK!" Mara screamed.

Valerie was shocked for several moments and finally grabbed the phone. Before Mara could fully reach the register, a tight grip on her hair made her cry out in pain. She was pulled back and landed painfully on her rear. Her scalp burned as the rogue tried to drag her out of the store. Tears fell down her face as she heard the screaming of Valerie on the phone and the growling of the rogue.

"Fenrir.... I'm so sorry... I wish we could have had a chance together..."

Just as the rogue was beginning to drag her outside of the store, Mara felt herself forced back inside the store. The grip on her hair disappeared as she slid across the floor and her back slammed into the checkout desk. Her head was spinning as she heard screaming and growling. As soon as her head stopped spinning, she opened her eyes to see the rogue and one of Fenrir's warriors fighting in the middle of the store. Bookshelves and display stands were knocked down, sending books scattering all over the floor.

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