Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

The rogues had surrounded them, but Fenrir and his warriors had no problem holding them back. But unfortunately, one was able to break through their circle of protection and almost got away with his mate. She was saved but was now suffering from a leg wound as well as whiplash and probably a concussion.

There was no doubt that Adam and the warriors could handle the rogues. Under normal circumstances, he would stay and slaughter them along with his men, but now his mate was in danger. Before he took off with Mara, he confirmed that his Lycans were prevailing and overtaking the rogues, despite the fact that they outnumbered them. They were weak and unorganized in their attack.

He carefully carried Mara as he ran down the path, desperate to reach the pack house and get her medical attention. It didn't take long, thanks to his speed and stamina. Within ten minutes of running, he would see the large wooden gates of his territory.

"OPEN THE FUCKING GATE!" He roared. There was no doubt they could hear him.

Just as he approached the gates, they quickly opened and he could vaguely see the shocked faces of his guards.

"Alpha, what-"

He ignored them and continued running. The pack house was at the very center of his territory. It could easily be seen in the distance and only grew larger as he ran through his small city. He passed by several houses, cars and small businesses. He could see the looks of shock and awe from his people as he ran through the streets.

None of them mattered right now. The only thing that mattered to him was getting his mate medical attention.

Finally, he reached the large doors of the pack house. He didn't hesitate. With a strong kick, he sent the front doors of the house flying open. He entered the main entrance as Lycans quickly peeked their heads out of their rooms to see what the commotion was.

"GET THE PACK DOCTOR TO MY ROOM NOW!" He commanded, using his Alpha tone. None could refuse his command when using that voice.

Many members rushed out of the room towards the medical unit as he leaped up the stairs to his room. After climbing two floors, he finally reached his room, shoving the door open with his shoulder. Very gently, he laid Mara on the bed, not caring that she was bleeding onto his sheets.

Her eyes were closed and she looked pale. It took moments for him to shift back to his human form. Just as he was removing her pants to see the damage, the pack doctor rushed into the room.

"Alpha, you called for me?"

Dr. Ruth Reymond had been the pack doctor for many years. She always treated everyone fairly and knew her place in the pack. Another one of his father's issues was having a woman as the pack doctor. The look on his face when he found out what an image Fenrir would always remember.

"Ruth, help her!" He commanded.

Ruth lugged her large medical bag to the bed. As soon as she looked down at Mara, her brows raised in surprise.

"She's human? Are the rumors true?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter! HELP HER!" He roared, his Alpha tone coming back.

She flinched and immediately opened her bag, grabbing out several different medical supplies. Fenrir took the opportunity to quickly grab a pair of sweatpants from his dresser. Just as he finished putting them on, there was the shuffling of feet and Garret, his Gamma, entered the room.

"Alpha, are you ok? Everyone is saying you're hurt!"

He growled. "Not me. My mate! Rogues came after us on our way here. They were after her."

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