Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

At the sight of the angry man scaring his mate, Fenrir felt Ragnar rage inside of him.

"Who dares speak to our mate this way!? She is terrified of him!"

Fenrir returned the glare as the man's eyes met his.

Mara took a step back, causing her to press against him.

"This-this is-"

"Her boyfriend" Fenrir growled, wrapping an arm around Mara.

As angry as he was, he was happy to feel her lean back into him.

The man scowled. "Excuse me? I'm her boyfriend asshole!"

"No, you aren't!" Mara finally snapped. "We broke up two weeks ago!"

"No we didn't! Just because the brother of your bitch friend tells me to back off, doesn't mean we are broken up! You never even said it to my face!"

Fenrir could tell that fear was leaving Mara and was being replaced with anger.

"I tried to break up with you several times before that! You wouldn't listen! We are done!"

Fenrir saw the man clench his fists and began to walk forward. Before he could even reach them, Fenrir whipped Mara around, making her stand behind him. Within seconds, he was glaring right into the man's face.

He gave a deep growl and the boy finally stepped back, looking afraid.

"She said it was over! Now fuck off before I tear out your tongue and make you eat it!"

The man gaped at him for a few seconds before he took of down the road. As soon as the man was out of sight he turned to look at Mara. Her arms were wrapped around herself and she was looking at the ground, shaking.

He stepped in front of her and gently raised her head up to look at him.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded and looked back to the ground.


Again, she nodded. Fenrir sighed and lifted her face again.

"Mara... I swear I will never hurt you. I will kill and die for you. I will never let that man touch you ever again."

Mara simply looked back to the ground.

"I want to go home now," she muttered.

Fenrir took his place beside her and they began walking down the sidewalk.

Fenrir could only assume that the man was Jason, her abusive ex-boyfriend. Had they not been in a public setting, Fenrir would have let Ragnar loose and devour him. But he wouldn't let Mara see that side of him.

"Perhaps we can find him later."

Fenrir couldn't help but smirk at Ragnar's words.

They walked in silence. He wanted to try and find anything to converse about but this was new for him. If she was a lycan or a were, they already be all over each other. Perhaps she would already bear his mark. But she was human. He needed to take his time so he wouldn't scare her away.

Ragnar whined and begged for him to take her. To bite her and make her fully his. But Fenrir knew better.

They finally entered a small apartment complex and Fenrir felt excited to see her home.

"I hope her bed is big enough for what we have planned!"

Fenrir gritted his teeth as he felt his cock twitch in his pants. As they walked up a set of stairs, his eyes landed on his mates rear. It was perfect for him. He wondered if she would enjoy being bent over his knee.

"Only one way to find out!" Ragnar growled.

Fenrir clenched his fists as she finally opened the door of her apartment. Before he could enter, Mara turned, standing in the doorway.

"Well... thank you for walking me home."

"Our mate is trying to keep us out of her home!" Ragnar whined.

Fenrir stepped close to Mara. "Your welcome. May I trouble you for some water?"

"Very smooth Romeo," Ragnar said sarcastically.

Mara bit her lip for a moment before gesturing for him to follow her inside.

"Holy shit, it worked!"

Fenrir smirked and entered the apartment. To say it was tiny was an understatement. She had no rooms, besides what seemed to be a small bathroom. A futon sat in the corner of the room  and across from it was a small television. Her dresser sat next to the futon with nothing but a small lamp on top of it. 

"What is this cheap place? Our mate deserves better than this dump!"

Fenrir couldn't agree more. But he was happy to be completely enveloped in her scent. Soon enough, he wanted her scent to envelope his room as well.

He was brought out of his thoughts as Mara appeared in front of him, holding a small glass of water. With a smile, he took the glass and quickly drank it down.

"Well, thanks again," Mara said. She was trying to get him to leave.

"Too late, little mate. We aren't going anywhere!"

"Does that man know where you live?" Fenrir asked, a sudden idea coming to his head.

He saw a flash of fear stretch across her face as she nodded.

"I think it's best I stay here. I won't let him anywhere near you. I'll stay and make sure he doesn't try anything stupid."

She looked as if she wanted to argue but said nothing. Fenrir knew he had won. He removed his jacket and draped it over the chair at the small table after placing the small glass down on top of it.

"So, what would you like to do?" He asked with a large smile.

Her eyes flickered to her television.

"Umm.... Well we-we could..."

"Let's break in that futon! I'm sure we will fit well enough on it!"

Fenrir clenched his fists and kept the smile on his face.

"Would you like to watch television?" He asked. She simply nodded and made her way to the futon. Before he could follow, a sudden thought ran in his head. His warriors were probably still out looking for her.

"Well shit. We better call them," Ragnar laughed.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and smiled at his mate, who was sitting on the futon with the television remote.

"Pick whatever you want to watch, love. I just need to make a quick call."

She nodded and he entered the bathroom. Fenrir quickly dialed Adam's number. It rang twice before his Beta answered him.

"Hey Fen. Sorry to report, but we've had no luck."

"Its alright. I found her. I'm at her place now. Spread the word to the others and tell them to go back to the hotel and relax. And behave themselves around the humans!" He quickly added.

He heard Adam laugh. "Understood. Have a good night with your mate."

Fenrir quickly hung up and exited the bathroom to join his mate.

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