Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Fenrir and Mara laid together on the large blanket, happily looking up at the stars. Mara's attention was held to the sky, admiring the beauty of the bright stars burning above them. Fenrir was constantly switching his gaze from the stars to Mara. Her hair was laid out on the blanket, almost looking like a red halo around her. To Fenrir, she was as beautiful as a Goddess.

There was silence for an unknown amount of time until Fenrir cleared his throat.

"It means so much to me that you're here with me, baby girl," Fenrir said, reaching over and holding her hand. "I really want you to enjoy being a part of my pack."

Mara smiled and turned to look at him. "I know. I really do want to give this place a chance and get to know everyone. Tonight was perfect, Fenrir. This has been a great night."

Fenrir turned back to look at the stars with a satisfied smile on his face.

"I've been wanting to apologize to you," Mara suddenly said, catching his attention. "Back at the Blue Moon Pack... I'm sorry I compared you to Jason. I still feel hurt that you just assumed I'd go with you without us talking first, but I shouldn't have said that to you. You're nothing like Jason. I hope you know that."

Fenrir felt a warm feeling in his chest, knowing that Mara meant every word she said. He gently squeezed her hand and smiled.

"I know. And I'm sorry for just assuming you would. I know I've pushed a lot onto you. I shouldn't have assumed and I shouldn't have had my men follow you without talking to you about it. I know I've overstepped boundaries several times. I'm grateful for another chance, baby girl."

She squeezed his hand and both continued smiling up at the stars, large smiles on their faces. They continued stargazing until Mara let out a large yawn. Fenrir knew the night was over and it was time to take Mara home.

"It's getting late. Time to head back to the pack house."

Mara nodded and stood. The look on her face was clearly one of disappointment. Both of them cleaned up the blanket, placing all plates and cups into the picnic basket. With a heavy heart, both walked hand in hand back to the pack house. The basket swung in his hand as he carefully guided Mara through the trees on the small path. Soon enough, the lights of the pack house came into view. Mara let out another yawn and his hand tightened around hers.

As they entered the house, many lights were dimmed, signaling that many had already gone to bed. Fenrir placed the basket on the small end table at the end of the staircase. He would come back for it after escorting Mara to her room.

With solemn silence, Fenrir led Mara to her bedroom door. As he turned to her, she gave him a large smile.

"Tonight was perfect Fenrir. Thank you."

He smiled. "Thank you for coming with me. I have more matters to attend to in the morning, but you are free to walk around the pack lands as you wish. You're safe here. You can also find Ruth in the clinic if you want some company. I'll come get you in the afternoon so we can have some more time together."

They stood there smiling at each other for several more moments until Fenrir gently leaned down and kissed her forehead. As he lifted himself back up, he could see a blush across Mara's cheeks. Even after having sex twice, she still blushed at the smallest sign of affection. He found it adorable.

"Goodnight Fenrir," She said, smiling again.

"See you tomorrow, baby girl."

With one final smile, Mara entered her room and gently closed the door behind her. A large grin stayed on his face as he made his way down the stairs and grabbed the picnic basket.

"I give it a week before she's finally sleeping in our bed!" Ragnar growled.

"Don't get your hopes up. We will give her all the time she needs. We will not drive her away! We will not push anything on her! We've already overstepped several boundaries and she's trying to give us a chance! We cannot fuck this up!" Fenrir snapped.

He could almost feel his Lycan roll his eyes. "I still give it a week."

Fenrir huffed as he entered the kitchen. He didn't bother dignifying his Lycan with a response. As amazing as it would be to have her in his bed, he wasn't going to push his luck. Mara would be the one to decide when she joined him in his room.

He placed the picnic basket on the counter and began placing the dirty dishes in the sink when he heard the back door open.

"Have a good night with our Luna, Fen?" Adam asked.

Fenrir nodded and smiled. "Yup. We had a great time. Now I gotta figure out how to step up my game and plan on what we can do tomorrow."

Adam chuckled and grabbed a soda from the fridge. "Well, unfortunately there is something I need to ask that may dampen your mood."

Fenrir finished emptying the basket and turned to his Beta with a raised brow. "What is it?"

"There's still two rogues in the basement. You need to make a decision on what to do with them."

In truth, Fenrir had almost forgotten about them. He did need to make a decision.

"For now, give them more time in their cells. Keep with the silver chains and food once a day. Let them wallow in misery for a while. Then, I'll see about getting them to talk again. Some time in the cells may finally get them to crack."

Adam nodded. "Understood. I'll let the guards know."

"Good. Also, Mara has free reign of the pack lands. I trust you and the warriors to make sure she is safe. And if you see anyone fucking with her in any way, I am to be notified immediately."

Aaron raised a brow. "You want someone to follow her if she leaves the house."

Fenrir thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No. There's no need to stalk her like that. Just make sure patrols are tight and the warriors are patrolling everywhere. Also, I want you to make sure EVERYONE knows not to fuck with her or their heads will be on spikes outside of the pack house."

Adam chuckled. "You got it. If our Luna decides to leave the pack house, she will be safe. If anyone is stupid enough to mess with her, I will tell you immediately."

Fenrir nodded, satisfied with his Beta's words. They finally bid each other goodnight and Fenrir left the kitchen and headed for his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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